30+ Hilarious Signs to Put Us at Ease on Our Recent Visit to the Vet

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Going to the vet can be a really nerve-wracking experience for both the pet who doesn’t feel well in an unfamiliar environment and the concerned parent who brought them in. Not wanting to see their patients struggle, these vets tried to add some levity to their office signs to brighten the mood.

Good Morning

We all have different morning routines. What you might do to get ready for your day could vary greatly, even from someone you live with.

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If you live with a pet, though, there may be a common thread between your morning routine and other pet owners. Specifically, you might have a livelier alarm than the average one. Then again, your phone usually doesn’t wake you to get you to serve it breakfast.

Be Careful!

Growing up, you probably heard the dire warning more than once to be careful or slow down because “it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye.”

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This vet office found that one a bit too harsh — can you blame them? However, they were willing to give a less gory but equally haunting warning about one of the accessories that your furry friend hates the most. It’s just a shame our puppies can’t read!

Calling Them In

There’s not much about going to the vet that’s fun or enjoyable for either the pet or the owner in the equation. So, how do you tempt people into a place they don’t want to be in?

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Well, you could show how important the service that they offer is. This vet’s office knew that the best way to demonstrate their importance was to show how bad things were when they weren’t there to help!

Let’s be Honest

We’d all like to think that if your pets could talk to you or text you, they’d want to talk to you as much as you want to talk to them.

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Holly Ridge Veterinary Hospital took a more realistic approach to their marquee. As anyone who has a cat could probably attest to, these beloved pets can be sweet and cuddly, but we aren’t sure they’d be super reliable about texting us back if they had the option.

A Similar Idea

As we’ve already touched on, your cats are going to need some alone time. Well, it can vary from pet to pet, but many prefer a little space sometimes.

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Cats also get quite a reputation for being aloof because of this, even if they can be just as loving, if not as outwardly playful, as their puppy counterparts. So, we can see what led Highland Road Animal Hospital to this conclusion.

Comedy Hour

There are a few things that can get someone to come to your business other than just showing how important you are. As we’ve seen already, humor goes a long way.


This vet’s office was nice enough to give you a joke that you could use elsewhere, too. It even brings to mind a pretty cute image of a Labrador Retriever dressed up as a magician with props and everything. All in all, it’s a good enough joke to get our business.

As a Treat

When you leave kids unattended in a public area, it can take a turn towards chaos in no time. So, some vets have reminders to keep an eye on any young kids.

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As for this office, they really went down a route that would make the kids delighted to get caught without their parents. Then again, an overcaffeinated child and a surprise puppy sound like any parents’ worst nightmare on top of whatever already brought them to the vet.

Let Me in (or Out)

If you own a cat, you know that any closed door in your house is an obstacle that you’ll be hearing about until it’s open. Sometimes, it’s really easy to tell they’re just upset that the door is closed at all.

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Who hasn’t dealt with a cat who meows at a closed door? Then, you let them in, only for them to turn towards the door and start wailing again. If only they had thumbs to open the door themselves!

Give Them a Break

There are some things that have a growing support against them. Animal testing is often thought of as a cruel way to test new products. This vet hospital, like many, is here to say they were against it in all forms!

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That includes standardized testing. For one, it causes our little furballs tons of anxiety! Let’s just give them a break. They can’t read, after all, so that might make things even harder.

There’s a Limit

When you go to the doctor, you might wish there was something to make it a little easier… less nerve-wracking and more enjoyable.

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As for this vet’s office, they were happy to offer free belly rubs to make the exams a little more pleasant for their patients. Before there was any confusion, though, they let the pet parents know that they weren’t eligible for the same treatment.

A Simple Demand

At the end of the day, there are quite a few different reasons you get into vet medicine. However, the common thread is usually a strong love for animals.

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Plus, with all the stress that vets go through as they help pets through some of their scariest moments, you would want to take the chance for a wholesome moment to make up for that. We can’t think of anything more wholesome than getting to see kitties all day!

Talk to Your Cat

Do you remember all those old PSAs about talking to your kids about things that could get them in trouble if they didn’t know?

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This vet wants to know why you would do that, but skip out on the catnip talk with your cat. After all, if you aren’t giving them reliable catnip information, who’s going to teach them about catnip safety? You want to make sure that they’re knowledgeable and safe, after all.

A Riddle for You

If you want to step away from your standard joke, you can always try to make someone laugh with a fun riddle.

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This play on words is one you might even want to share with other pet parents you know. We do have to hand it to them: this one is pretty clever. We guess it would make it easier to get to the vet if they couldn’t hide!

A Change in Advertising

There are plenty of different methods that people use in marketing that might help them draw customers in. You’ll notice some differences depending on the business that’s advertising.

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This is because you’ll want to draw in the customers you want for the service that you’re offering. So, your advertising should match that. Then again, why not try out the technique of another industry? After all, these types of signs have some measure of success, right?

Vets with a Beat

We all love a song that we can really relate to. Then again, there aren’t too many songs about the work that a vet does.

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There’s nothing wrong with altering a song you already love so that you like and relate to it even more. This animal hospital clearly loves a good play on words! It definitely put a smile on our faces, so we can only assume it did the same for our beloved pet parents.

Support for the Holidays

Even if you get along with your family, the holidays can start to stress you out. After all, buying gifts, coordinating visits, and traveling are tiring enough on their own.

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On top of that, sometimes, family time can be more stressful than you hoped for. As for this vet’s office, they were ready to take a page out of the book of the pets they worked with every day. Our pets seem to make it through the holidays okay!

Getting Away With a Pun

While there may not be any hard rules, most businesses do have personal rules about what they will and won’t allow on their marquee. However, everyone finds loopholes.

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This person may not have been allowed to put any swear words on this sign, but they found a pretty hilarious way to imply them. It wasn’t just for fun, either! The sign still has all the information that someone looking for their services might need.

They’ve Got Jokes

It’s no secret that humans love animals. Not only are they in our homes as our pets, but they’re on our screens as mascots as well.


One of the animal mascots that might be among the most recognizable is the Energizer Bunny. Who hasn’t seen this pink little guy on their screen beating his drum and keeping things running? It seems the bunny ran into problems with his battery brand.

Oh No

There are a few things that it seems that people rely on when they’re trying to draw customers in with a marquee message like this. Puns seem to be at the top of the list.

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This person seemed to have muddled their message here for the sake of comedy. Really, while it’s clearly planned, it brings to mind someone putting this message up only to step back and realize that they’ve become what they feared most.

Solid Try

As we just covered, a good pun or riddle can really catch the eye of passersby. This one is a fun play on words. After all, it does seem like the odds would be stacked against the kitty cats.

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The only thing that people were quick to point out about this, though, is that you aren’t going to run into any cheetahs while you’re in the jungle.

Pouch Potato

There are a few things that we think of as human idioms. However, we’ve all probably met a pup or two in our time that was a couch potato. Of course, kangaroos don’t spend a lot of time on couches.

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Instead, they spend more time growing up and staying protected in their mom’s pouches. Hey, you know what? That rhymes! So, why not take the chance to use the pun that’s sitting right there?

They’re Tired

Veterinarians don’t have an easy job. They work long hours doing work that most of us couldn’t stomach. Not to mention, they get attached to their patients!

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If you had a job like this, you’d agree with a sign like this, too. In fact, you might even if you just need to take your own pet in for a checkup. We would just advise not sharing this treat with your pets.

A Dire Warning

Some of these signs are funny enough to catch your eye and make you laugh. On the other hand, some have real advice. This message from the Carroll County Veterinary Clinic might just offer both.

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After all, who can hold back a laugh at the idea of “yellow snow?” Then again, that’s about the last place you want to risk lying in the snow, too. You never know what’s buried right below the snow that you really don’t want to touch.

Another Great Tip

One hazard of having a cat is that they tend to have hairballs from time to time. If not, they might just chow down on breakfast a little too fast.

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The worst part is that when your cat is feeling nauseous, they seem to make a beeline from the hardwood and tile to flee straight to the carpet, making it extra likely to stain. There’s a tip that this vet had for any cat owners who were looking to avoid a hassle.

Spay and Neuter

There are a few different things that you need to do as a pet owner. It’s highly advised by vets to make sure you get your pets fixed when they’re young.

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They can come up with some creative ways to try and remind pet owners to do their due diligence, too. This sign is definitely eye-catching enough to get the job done. For this guy’s sake, we hope he can’t read this dire warning about what’s to come for him.

Here to Help

Around the holidays, there are a lot of tasks that you have to juggle to make sure that all of your holiday plans go off without a hitch.

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If you have a live Christmas tree in your house, it requires care to stay green and fresh until you’re ready to gather around and open presents. When you forget to give it some water, though, your dog will step in to help.

Got a Question?

Do you really need to know who your dog’s father is? Maybe not. Is it a fun, canine version of The Jerry Springer Show? Definitely.

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If you have a cat that’s wandered away from home and come back with kittens in tow or a puppy with mysterious parentage, Eau Gallie Veterinary Hospital invites you to come on down. They’ll give you all the answers you want — sadly, without the rowdy live audience.

Modern Mysteries

There are some things that we see in animals that we just have to wonder about. Why do they behave the way they do?

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For instance, have you ever wondered why you see flamingos standing on one leg all the time? Well, we’re sure there’s a real answer out there somewhere. For now, the Holly Ridge Veterinary Hospital has an answer that will at least give you an idea — even if it’s a little silly.

Wow, You’re Really Tall

Microbiologists do a lot of work to help us understand some of the things that go on right in front of us in our world that we can’t see with the naked eye.

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That’s where the “micro” in “microbiology” comes from. Of course, if you look at the word at face value and take things at face value, we can see why you might expect a really, really tiny microbiologist to walk into their office.

Old School Like That

There are a lot of things about technology that have made our lives easier. For instance, you can go shopping without having to even leave your house! That doesn’t mean that some people don’t long for the old way of doing things.

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This isn’t only limited to people, though. Given their name, it makes sense that your cat might miss those days of catalog delivery. Maybe that’s why they always linger by the window.

That’ll Do It

When someone has trouble staying in tune or keeping step during a dance, we might joke that they were just born with two left feet. Then again, we suppose your pup, in most cases, was literally born with a pair of left feet.

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So, how can you really hold it against them that they usually aren’t the best of dancers? The odds are against them succeeding on that front, even though they try their best!

Figuring it Out

This riddle could have a few different answers. Without reading the bottom of the marquee you might suggest a blue jay or another blue feathered friend. That’s not exactly what this vet was going for.

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Instead, think of a more medical reason that a bird might turn blue. We’re not so sure that we would really want to see this. Someone has to help this turkey out before he stops breathing for just a little too long.

We’d Love a Middle Ground

When it comes to taking your pet to the vet, you might start to feel a little overwhelmed. On another front, you might feel underwhelmed when you bring a sick dog to the vet only to pay out to learn he’s faking.

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Either way, this sign has a point. You can be overwhelmed or underwhelmed, but neither is really good. At the same time, it doesn’t seem like there’s really a happy middle ground to fall into.

A Good Question

When you bring a new pet home, one of the first things you have to do is choose a new name for your newest family member.

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After all, dogs can’t really introduce themselves and let us know what their names are. Then again, they don’t understand all of English either. So, do they know our names, or do they have their own names for us like we have for them?

A Pet for Everyone

There’s a perfect pet out there for any animal. It’s all about finding the breed and specific dog that matches your lifestyle and personality. Where do you start, though?

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The good news is that if you live near the Highland Road Animal Hospital or happen to see this sign online, you might find your answer sooner than you thought. Well, that is if you happen to be a mad scientist looking for the perfect lab partner.

Attracting Someone New

There are a lot of animals that you can’t interact with. After all, interacting with a wild animal is usually an act that ends in disaster. When it comes to squirrels, they aren’t usually friends with humans.

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However, this vet had a theory on how they might become a friend to a squirrel. While it might not make for a Disney princess moment, you could always act like what they love the most.

Recognizing Their Strengths

Listen, we understand. Sometimes, you’re sitting on the couch next to your best friend, and you see a cat that knows a few more tricks and might wish they could do that too. Then again, it’s all about how you frame it.

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If you want to feel a little better about it, think about what your cat is the master of. Maybe he can’t dance around or jump through hoops to win a show, but we bet he’s amazing at napping.

A Serious Diagnosis

When you go to the vet with a sick animal, you usually want answers. Unless it’s a routine visit, you need a diagnosis to know what to do. This vet decided that they would share one diagnosis if you were worried about your duck.

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After all, you want your mallard to feel like it’s comfortable in its environment, but we all feel a little malla(r)djusted sometimes. Maybe he just needs some time at the local lake with his friends.

Twist on a Favorite

There are some jokes that we’ve all heard at this point in our lives. For instance, why did the chicken cross the road?

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While those jokes may have gotten us when we were young and hearing them for the first time, the punchline doesn’t get old after a while. This vet decided it was time that the old joke got a new spin and a bit of a new life.

Keeping It Fresh

Sometimes, you pull your furry friend close to greet them when you get home or when you’re cuddling at night. It’s a sweet moment. There are a few things that can ruin that moment, though.

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For instance, getting a whiff of your cat’s breath after he enjoys a can of wet food. Not to worry about it, though. Acton Animal Hospital has you covered with some clever marketing and quite a deal.

Need One of Those

There are a few things that your pet can’t do for you, no matter how much love and affection they can give to you throughout your life.

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We might have to look into this breed if they can help us out with some of the house chores. Believe it or not, the average pet just doesn’t know how to work the washer, no matter how many training treats you have in your bag.

The Bilingual Dog

Dogs can pick up the meaning of some words. We’re going to guess your dog can at least recognize some commands in your native language.

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On top of that, they tend to pick up a few extra words like “walk,” “dinner,” and “treat.” So, should we put it past a dog to learn to communicate with the sheep it herds? Maybe — but this still makes for a pretty funny joke!

Come Inside to Get the Answer

As we’ve discussed again and again, it’s important to use the marquee outside of a vet’s office to try and tempt new clients.

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If you have the whole riddle posted outside, what does anyone have to come inside for? The Holly Ridge Veterinary Hospital has this covered by offering the riddle outside but you’ll have to come inside if you want the rest of the answer.

Picky Eaters

For better or for worse, dogs tend to be rather free in what they eat, no matter if it’s good or bad for them.

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You may have even ended up at the vet more than once, thanks to their voracious appetite. On the contrary, they sometimes seem to have a change of heart. Once you try to get them to actually take medicine, it can seem like they’ve suddenly developed a fine palette.

One Thing to Stop You

When you put your mind to something, there’s nothing that can get in the way of sheer determination. Well, there might be one thing.

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Even if you’re determined to get up off the couch, you have to throw those plans out the window when your cat comes over to settle down in your lap. Who could even take the chance of moving them? It’s time to settle down until they wake up and move on their own.