Whether you’ve seen the movie or not, you’ve probably heard of RMS Titanic. Since the demise of the so-called “unsinkable ship,” historians and archeologists have immersed themselves in discovering what exactly happened to the ship as it collided with the iceberg. For obvious reasons, few people have had the privilege of seeing what the Titanic looked like before and after the wreck. Check out some of the footage of the remains of the ship and the shocking location in which they were found. Its construction and interiors prior to sinking are a fascinating sight and certainly prove a picture is worth a thousand words.
RMS Titanic was a luxury passenger liner that was built in Belfast, Ireland. Construction of the ship began in 1909 and was officially completed by 1912, which is when the Titanic took its maiden voyage from Southampton, England, to New York City.

Just a few days after the Titanic embarked on its journey, though, the ship sank upon striking an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean. By 1995, thanks to a deep-sea remote control submersible called Argo, the first remnants of the ship were discovered by underwater archaeologist Robert Ballard, southeast of Newfoundland, Canada.
The Docks of Southampton
In this photo stands a crowd of people lining the docks of Southampton, England as the Titanic prepares to take off on its voyage on April 10th, 1912. Accommodation for a first-class parlour costed $100,000, while a berth in the first-class cabin costed $3,500.

If you wanted a bed in the second class cabin, you’d have to pay $1,375, and in the third class cabin, $350-$900. Family members and friends waved goodbye to their loved ones here, not knowing that for many, this would be the last time they would see each other.
The Great Gantry
Built alongside her massive sister ship, The Titanic and Olympic were to be the largest pair of ships to ever exist and there were no slipways at the time which could accommodate their hefty construction. In order to get things moving, contractors built their own slipway, which they called The Great Gantry.

The giant slipway cost $150,000 and took over 15,000 workers to complete. Throughout its construction, eight employees lost their lives, however, that was only the beginning of the calamities to come…
A Costly Ship
The infamous Titanic cost about $7,500,000 (currently, equivalent to one hundred million dollars) to build, and was not only the largest ship in the world but also the most expensive.

Twenty horses were needed just to transport the ship’s anchor to the harbor. It was the largest moveable man-made object of its day, stretching 882 feet long and 175 feet high. There were 840 staterooms in all, 416 in first class, 162 in second class, and 262 in third class. The vessel weighed 900 tons and its top speed measured at 23 knots.
First Class Dining
On Deck D, you could find the Dining Saloon, which was enormous. It was the largest room on the ship and its width measured 114 feet long and it could accommodate 500 passengers. Its interior included finely paneled walls and an elegant ornamented ceiling.

The walls were painted in white and spectacular leaded-glass windows covered the portholes, giving the room the appearance of a lovely land-based restaurant. In the evening, special lighting behind the windows would enhance this illusion and create a warm and romantic atmosphere.
First Class Smokeroom
Towards the back of the Promenade Deck was this lavish smoking room. Its walls were paneled in Georgian style mahogany and inlaid with mother of pearl. Above the fireplace was a centerpiece painting by Norman Wilkinson called “The Approach to the New World.”

This getaway was designated only to men and offered several areas where friends could enjoy an intimate conversation, cigarette, and a drink. Within the space were tables and chairs, an excellent spot for a friendly game of cards.
Second Class Accommodations
Seven decks of the Titanic were designated to second class passengers. The second class accommodations and facilities onboard the Titanic were equivalent in comfort and space to many first-class facilities on other ships of the time.

Public areas accessible for the middle class included a vast library, smoking room, dining saloons, and Promenade Decks. The rooms offered comfortable dwelling and were trimmed tastefully with oak paneling, carpeted floors, and mahogany pieces of furniture such as a large sofa, wardrobe, dressing table with washbasin, mirror, and storage shelves.
The Grand Staircase
The interior design of the Titanic took on several different styles from Empire to Renaissance to Louis XV. The object of this deluxe design was to overwhelm the passengers and make them feel like they were aboard a floating hotel.

The grand staircase was one of the most famous parts of the ship and a true work of art. The stairs were an English oak masterpiece, designed in the neoclassical William and Mary style while its wrought iron balustrades embodied an impressive Louis XIV style.
Promenade Decks
Second class passengers were offered a selection of three outdoor Promenade decks to stroll on as they voyaged across the Atlantic. The biggest deck was a 145-foot long open stretch at the aft-end of the Boat Deck, which enclosed the raised roof of the first-class smoking room.

A small deckhouse was also installed, which acted as the second class entrance, from where the elevator and main staircase could be accessed. Along the deck sat wrought iron benches and teak deck chairs which were available for rent for the sum of three shillings.
First Class Gym
Among the many wonderful things Titanic offered its first-class passengers was a state-of-the-art gym, which held an electric camel, electric horse, several cycling machines, and a rowing contraption.

Tickets, priced at one shilling, entitled first-class passengers to one session in the facility. The gym had separate hours for both men and women, allowing the ladies to exercise between the hours 9 am to noon and the gentlemen between 2-6 pm. Children were also able to access the gym between 1-3 pm.
The Reading And Writing Room
The reading and writing room on board was mainly designed for the traveling first-class women of the Titanic. The walls were painted in a creamy white color and furnished elegantly.

On one side of the room, there was a huge bow window that allowed occupiers to look out towards the Promenade Deck. At the center of the room stood a fancy fireplace, which burned brightly, gave warmth to the room, and kept passengers comfortable and cozy.
Cafe Parisien
Cafe Parisien was a very popular and delicious eating area on the Titanic, which closely resembled the quaint boutique cafes of modern Paris. First-class passengers could also indulge themselves in additional restaurants such as the Verandah Cafe and the Palm Courts.

The big windows, light-weight wicker furniture, trelliswork, potted plants, and checkered floors in these areas suggested being in the English countryside. First-class children favored the Verandah Cafe and often headed over there to play with each other.
Ship Entertainment
Three days before the ship lost its buoyancy, this little boy was spotted playing on the saloon deck of the Titanic. The monstrous ship offered a number of interesting activities for both adults and children, including a lavish first-class Turkish bath, where gentlemen could enjoy steam rooms, private toilets, and a shampooing room.

There was also a big squash court with balls and rackets, which cost two shillings per playing session. Alongside this was a spacious swimming pool, located on the Middle Deck, designated only to first-class passengers.
The Titanic’s Captain
To your right stands the notorious Titanic captain, Edward J. Smith. Before embarking on the excursion of the unsinkable ship, Smith served as a British Merchant Navy officer and this was supposed to be his last voyage before retiring.

The circumstances of his death have been a dispute for years and several stories emerged regarding how his life ended. Some claimed that he shot himself on the bridge before the Titanic slipped into the dark waters of the North Atlantic, while others claimed to witness him drowning after saving a drowning child.
A Wintery Day
Passengers stroll here on the spacious Main Deck of the Titanic, alongside the ship’s onboard lifeboats. When the Titanic left Southampton on April 10th, the weather was mild (50℉-60℉), however, the morning of April 14th, a cold front swooped in and temperatures lowered drastically.

This eerie photograph was taken the day prior to the ship’s sinking and you can see passengers wearing heavy winter coats in accordance with the weather. They would have never guessed that these emergency boats they paid no attention to would soon be their saving grace (for only some, that is).
The Notorious Iceberg
Once the Titanic hit the iceberg, it took approximately two hours and 40 minutes for the ship to sink entirely below the ocean’s surface. The tragic incident took place four days into the ship’s maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City and there were an estimated 2,224 people on board.

The sinking resulted in the deaths of more than 1,500 people, which made it the deadliest peacetime maritime disaster in history. Researchers claim it took 15 minutes for the Titanic’s wreckage to settle to the ocean floor, and what’s currently left of the Titanic sits under 12,500 feet of water.
Not Enough Lifeboats
While the ship contained 2,208 passengers, there were only enough lifeboats to hold 1,178 people. One of the ship’s legacies was that she had too few lifeboats to evacuate all those on board. Eighteen lifeboats were used, loading between 11:45 pm- 2:15 am.

Many of them carried only half of their maximum capacity and there are many different stories explaining this. Some say they were afraid the boats would buckle under the weight, while others suggested it was because the crew was following maritime tradition to evacuate women and children first.
A Cosmetic Disaster
In this rare photograph, the lifeboats that saved Titanic passengers hang off the sides of the Carpathia (the ship that made the rescue). This black and white shot was taken just as the vessel made its way into the New York pier.

Chief designer of the ship, Alexander Carlisle, originally planned for the Titanic to have 48 lifeboats on board, but the number was later reduced for cosmetic purposes. Some opinions claimed this number would cause the ship’s deck to look cluttered and unpleasing to the eye.
Titanic’s Orphan Brothers
The famous Titanic orphan brothers, Michel (left, age four) and Edmond (right, age two) temporarily became parentless when their father sunk into the cold waters of the Atlantic, along with 1,500 other passengers.

Luckily, the boys survived and eventually made it to New York, where they stayed for a month before their mother, (who stayed in France and didn’t board the ship) finally recognized them in a newspaper and came to collect them. This photo was taken before they were identified in April 1912.
Child Survivors
The Navratil brothers, one ironically seated next to a toy boat resembling the Titanic, were lucky enough to make it onto one of the ship’s few rescue boats before it sank.

It’s remarkable for an adult to have survived such a terrifying event and it’s even more amazing that young children managed to live through the horrors of the event. It’s nearly impossible to comprehend the fear young passengers experienced as they watched the ship slip away, let alone the post-traumas that developed following the event.
Male Survivors
A group of male Titanic survivors sits here, at the Millbay docks in Plymouth, England, upon their return home in May 1912.

The youngest child among the male first-class passengers to survive was named Master Hudson Trevor Allison, only 11 months and eight days old when the ship went down. The youngest boy among the second class passengers to survive the disaster was seven months and 17 days old when the ship sunk, while the youngest third-class survivor was five-month-old As’as Tannus.
Conflicting News
Here, a newspaper boy sells copies of the Evening News, telling of the Titanic sinking outside the office of the White Star Line (the company that launched the Titanic). This snap was taken on April 16, 1912, just a day after the ship went down.

Once Titanic hit the iceberg, she started sending out signals of distress and luckily, several liners were near enough to catch and respond to the call. Conflicting news and optimism regarding the number of survivors began to spread shortly after the incident until White Star officials finally announced the official number of deaths.
Crowds Await Survivors
Unsure whether their loved ones survived, crowds gathered on the New York docks to await survivors. The Titanic era was famous for its social class segregation, and the ship designated areas onboard for each group. The first class included businessmen, politicians, military personnel, industrialists, and bankers.

Second class passengers were mostly authors, professors, and clergymen, while the third class mainly consisted of immigrants. Once the Titanic sunk, it became clear that social classes played no role in survival and that money could not save anyone from drowning in the freezing waters of the Atlantic.
Carpathia To The Rescue
Survivors of the Titanic sit here on the deck of the Carpathia, wrapped in blankets and overwhelmed with trauma. Clothes were given to them by passengers soon after their rescue on April 15th, 1912.

The Carpathia endured dangerous ice fields and diverted all steam power to her engines in order to rescue passengers of the Titanic. She arrived two hours after the Titanic officially sunk and rescued 705 people from the lifeboats. Carpathia herself sunk on July 17, 1918, after being torpedoed by a German submarine, which ended with a loss of five crew members.
The Brave Crew
The Titanic hosted an estimated 885 crew members. You might recognize the white-bearded man sitting in the middle of the front as Captain Edward J. Smith.

On the bottom row, all the way to the left sat Chief Officer Henry Wilde, who was originally in charge of the Olympic ship but was transferred to the Titanic for her maiden voyage. Wilde was off duty when the Titanic hit the iceberg, however, he took control of the lifeboats and was last seen trying to free the collapsible lifeboats. His body was never found.
The Inspectors
Considering the amount of energy and resources it took to construct the Titanic, along with the thousands of lives that relied on this piece of engineering, you can only imagine the pressure on the people in charge of inspecting the ship to make sure it was good to go.

The two men strolling below were once known as Bruce Ismay and William Price and played an important part in the Titanic inspection team. They were subject to very harsh criticism after the tragedy.
A Propeller Discovered
Within the wreckage, Robert’s team discovered one of the three propellers, which was uncovered on the starboard side of the ship. Titanic’s side propellers were 23 feet wide, while the middle’s width measured at 16 feet.

The left image was taken towards the end of the Titanic’s construction and gives a clear idea of how massive both the ship and its propellers were. Had the ship been faced upright, the Titanic would have been taller than any building that existed during that period.
Harold Bride
While most of the fame goes to Jack Phillips, the senior wireless officer on board the Titanic, it is important also to mention Harold Bride, his junior colleague. Both were responsible for sending the distress signal when the ship hit the iceberg.

Here in this picture, Bride is being carried down the gangplank. His feet are wrapped in bandages, as a result of the injuries he sustained during the rescue operation.
Sun Deck
Below this deck, the living quarters of the second and third class passengers were located. Surprisingly, the second class living quarters were actually far more superior to first class living quarters on other ships.

They were far more spacious and comfortable. According to the ship’s passenger log, 284 passengers were registered in the second class compartment, whereas they were designed to accommodate a maximum number of 410. This image also depicts some of the Titanic’s electric cranes.
A Deck
A Deck, also known as the promenade deck, was below the boat deck. This deck was of rather unusual size, as it extended a little over 500 ft and had an irregular shape that varied between 24 to 72 ft.

This promenade was intended for first-class passengers, as well as some other facilities onboard this deck, which included a smoke room, a reading room, and a lounge.
An Official Inquiry
Four days after the sinking of the Titanic, on April 19, 1912, the Senate launched an official investigation as to the causes that led to the destruction of the ship. The man in the picture is Mr. J. Bruce Ismay, the highest-ranking official from the company that operated the Titanic. He also happened to have survived the incident.

In the course of the investigation, it was found out that Mr. Ismay was aware of the dangers posed by the iceberg field, but didn’t disclose this information to the captain.
The Anchor
A ship, the size of the Titanic, undoubtedly required an enormous anchor. In fact, the Titanic had three anchors to it. However, the most impressive of them was the center anchor. Its overall length was 18ft 6in.

The head of the anchor measured 10ft 9in in width. The anchor was produced by Noah Hingley & Sons in Netherton, United Kingdom, in 1910. The anchor weighed 15 tons or 30,000 pounds.
Emergency Lifeboat No.1
At about 1:05 AM, emergency lifeboat no.1 was dropped into the water. It was the fifth boat to be launched at the night of the sinking. Despite the order to let women and children go first, this boat mainly had men on board it.

Since this boat was launched from the starboard (right) side of the ship, which was under the responsibility of First Officer William McMaster Murdoch, he allowed a number of first class men to take this boat, after presumably misinterpreting the captain’s orders.
What’s Left of the Boat Deck
In the eerie, underwater silence of the North Atlantic ocean, lay the rusty remains of the Titanic. This particular piece is part of the ship’s boat deck. This dock was the topmost of the ten decks of the Titanic.

This is where the boats were kept and later lowered, in the early hours of April 15, into the ocean. Later, it was found that their meager number of boats, no more than 2o, was partially the reason for the fate of so many passengers and crew.
William McMaster Murdoch
William McMaster Murdoch, the ship’s first officer, who was in charge of the bridge of the Titanic when it collided with the iceberg, didn’t act in a cowardly manner as was depicted in the famous movie Titanic.

In fact, this Scottish sailor was known as a dependable man, who climbed up the ranks until he became first officer and one of the company’s most prominent sailors. While Mr. Murdoch didn’t survive, the exact details involving his fate remain unknown to this day.
The Engines
To power such a massive ship, it obviously needed to be equipped with massive engines. These were steam powered, which means that coal was burned to operate them. When launched together, these produced some 30,000 horsepower.

The technology that was used in the construction of these engines, and their overall design was quite novel back then. It would also set the stage for the use of similar engine technology in the future.
Opened Portholes
As the official inquiry, launched by the Senate, progressed, it was discovered that one of the reasons behind the quick sinking of Titanic was because the crew left many of its portholes open. It took the Titanic two hours and forty minutes to sink, which is relatively quick for a ship of her size.

Two lines of opened portholes were spotted below water by members of the crew who were settling into the lifeboats. Opened portholes meant that the ship took on water quickly.
Rowing to Safety
Those who managed to climb into the rescue boats exerted themselves to get to the rescue ship, the RMS Carpathia. Most of the survivors were women and children. In fact, the second officer on board of the Titanic, Charles Herbert Lightoller, asked the Captain if they shouldn’t let the women and children into the boats first.

Ultimately, some 74% of the women, and 52% children were rescued, as opposed to only 20% of the men.
The Bridge
The bridge of the Titanic was located on the boat deck, towards its end. Conveniently, the officers quarters were located behind the bridge, so they wouldn’t need to spend too much time getting in and out of there.

The bridge housed the ship’s steering gear, the engine-order telegraph and some other important mechanical equipment. When approaching the iceberg, it was from this cabin that the warning bell chimed three times.
Swimming Pool
The Titanic was the first ocean liner to be equipped with a swimming pool, which was accessible only to first class passengers. It was located inside the ship, on deck F, starboard side.

Technically, it wasn’t called a “pool,” but a “bath.” It was, perhaps, above all, a symbol of luxury. It was 30ft long and 14ft wide. Since the only access to it was via a watertight door, it’s possible that it’s still in good condition, assuming one can access it.
Life Jackets
Perhaps, this is a little known fact, but there was a sufficient number of life jackets on the Titanic. In other words, every passenger got a life jacket. However, since we are talking about the early days of modern traveling, the jackets were made of canvas and cork.

When many of the passengers were unable to board the boats, they just jumped over the railing in their life jackets, thus sustaining massive injuries — owing to the poor design of these life jackets.
Treacherous Waters
The waters surrounding Nova Scotia are known for being extremely cold. This is where the Titanic had sunk after hitting an iceberg. Surprisingly, the weather on the night of the sinking was very calm.

The captain of the Titanic was even quoted saying that “it was like a mill pond.” Later studies that were conducted revealed that a large pressure cell drove the icebergs from their usual place up north further south, ultimately crossing the path of the Titanic.
The Poor Bellboys
The bellboys’ job was to haul heavy luggage and do custodial tasks for first-class passengers. Sadly, every one of these young men perished in the disaster. James Humphries, a quartermaster, who commanded lifeboat No. 11, shared the story on how these fifty lads lost their lives.

Shortly after colliding with the iceberg, the boys were called into the main cabin entry and told to stay there until further notice. Once upper management realized the ship was sinking, they ordered every man to save himself. The boys, sadly, never made it to the rescue boats.
The White Star Line Office
This was taken in New York City outside the White Star Line office. People gathered around this spot between April 15-18, 1912, to hear the latest news on the disaster.

The White Star Line was founded in 1850 to take advantage of an increase in trade following the discovery of gold in Australia. Founded from the remains of a defunct packet company, it gradually turned into the most prominent shipping line in the world, providing passenger and cargo services between Britain and the United States.
The Honeymooners
The Titanic was known for carrying a variety of different types of passengers, which included these two lovely newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Harder. The couple was on their way to their honeymoon when the ship descended to the bottom of the ocean floor.

Mrs. George survived the wreck, but her husband, unfortunately, was added to the list of deceased. Photographer Bernie Palmer sold rights to this rare photograph for only $10 but regretted it in years to come when its value skyrocketed.