If you’re on an airplane home, finally arriving at your destination can be an emotional journey. This is especially true for the moment you see your loved ones again. The good news is that there are ways that travelers and the people waiting for them can break the tension. For instance, a hilarious sign to welcome them home. Luckily for us, these funny signs were captured on camera.
No Shame
This time, a mother took a chance to embarrass her son rather than the other way around. She was excited to have him home, and she wanted everyone to know.

As such, she divided her message into two signs. The one she held in front of her read her son’s name in large letters and asking if he remembered her. Then, when she turned around, it read “He’s my baby” in large letters. It looks like she accomplished her goal!
Don’t Stop Her
This girl is ready to see her dad again and she doesn’t have the patience for anyone who will stop her. She even warns strangers to stay out of her path with her sign.

We’re certain that her time with her mom was fun, but she’s excited to spend days with dad again as well. Judging from the American flags on her sign, we can guess that Dad might be a soldier returning home from deployment which means she’s been waiting a while.
It’s Over
The last thing anyone wants is to be dumped in an airport after a long flight home. Luckily, we’re pretty sure that this sign is meant to be a joke.

Britney banned one thing from her house: the use of the dreaded selfie stick. So it’s unfortunate that while Simon was away, she discovered his dirty secret. What can we say, while widely made fun of, they do help you achieve a better angle for pictures?
As the Saying Goes
There’s an old saying about children and their parents being similar that says “The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.” This mother and daughter were ready to capitalize on the joke.

It’s well-planned too! We have to wonder, was this planned ahead of time? Did the daughter already have the apple or was it given to her upon her arrival? Either way, it made for a cute photo that’s sure to find its way into the family album.
Oh Great
When this woman left on her latest trip, she probably didn’t expect to return to a sign like this. It’s fairly bare minimum as far as a sign goes.

This person welcomed their sister home with a less-than-enthused sign reading “Oh Great, You Somehow Survived.” Thankfully, it looks like she took the joke well in this photo as she’s smiling even if the sign he made wasn’t the warm welcome that she expected.
They’ve Waited Millenia
Without Darth Vader, the stormtroopers have been a little lost. Luckily, they don’t have to wait much longer for their commander to come home.

This group went above and beyond for their friend when they all dressed up in matching attire to welcome this Sith Lord home. This well-planned prank is made picture-perfect with the returning traveler in Vader garb. It does beg an interesting question, though: did he go the whole plane ride in the costume?
Less Than Approving
Whether these children were out to embarrass their father after a long trip away or they were disapproving of a real-life choice, regardless they made a funny set of signs.

Their joke is broken up across two signs. The first sign “congratulates” their father on his new mail-order bride. To get the disdain across, they even added a second sign that reads “5th time’s the charm.” Hopefully, this dad saw the humor in this situation.
Straight to the Point
Sometimes, “welcome home” doesn’t get all of the most important messages across right away. Despite being a fully-grown adult, this man had a crucial secondary message for his parents.

Just like a little kid, he didn’t hesitate to tell his parents that they were out of his favorite snack. For an extra touch, he even showed up in a costume-appropriate onesie. We’re sure that the joke put a smile on his parents’ faces when they got off the tarmac.
Less Than Subtle
Whether this sign is true or a joke to embarrass their friend, this woman was ready to lay it all out on the table whether her friend liked the joke or not.

Advertising what most people find to be a private matter, she created a large sign welcoming a returning traveler back from rehab. She even went as far as to include an inspiring message: “hugs not drugs.” While it’s funny, we’re sure it caused a blush or two.
The Sign Says It All
Sometimes the funniest signs are the most straightforward ones. While this guy didn’t decorate his sign too much, he did get his point across.

With a sign with as simple a message as “guy who knocked up my sister,” it’s hard to miss the point, after all. We’re sure that once the man this sign was directed at saw this, he started to second guess getting off the plane. Hopefully, it was all in good fun.
You Get the Idea
When it comes to airport signs, the fun isn’t just reserved for the adults. As this little girl proves, anyone can make a sign to welcome home their loved ones.

While we’re sure she put her best effort into it, the sign she made for her mom ended up being barely legible. However, it’s the thought that counts, and her sign is one of the most endearing efforts on this list. Plus, she got the word “welcome” down pretty impressively!
Wanted for Christmas
Airports are busy places. This means that it can be hard to find the people you’re looking for as you wait for them by their terminal. This family had the answer to that.

In the style of classic “wanted” posters, they let everyone know who they were looking for this Christmas. The fact that they chose to use some of the most unflattering pictures of their loved ones that they could find is the icing on the cake.
Reverse Psychology
As we’ve said, welcoming home loved ones from a trip away can be an emotional experience. So, some people choose to deal with that in a joking manner.

This person decided to try out a little reverse psychology when they welcomed their loved one home. Instead of a traditional welcome home sign, they opted to create one urging their returning traveler go back, even going so far as to add a “we hate you” message for good measure.
Blood Is Thicker Than Water
Let’s be real here — if you ever saw this sign at the airport, whether you’re leaving or returning from somewhere, you’d totally have to do a doubletake.

Although we’d like to imagine that this gal is just playing a really sick joke on her relative, we can’t really assume anything. Let’s just hope that ecstatic expression on her face was an attempt to keep herself from laughing at her own joke. And if it wasn’t, well then, good luck to the happy couple…
Caught Redhanded
There’s really nothing better than having your significant other return home from an excessively long trip — unless, of course, your SO is cheating on you and has been the entire time they were away. That’s exactly what happened to this poor sucker when his girlfriend went on a long term trip somewhere.

And while we’re not entirely sure whether her trip was for business or pleasure, we do know that she’s been caught redhanded. In any event, this gal totally deserves to be called out for her shady behavior, especially in the middle of an airport.
Prank Proposal
If you don’t know the story behind this sign, you might think that you’re in for a tear-jerking proposal. Unfortunately, this is another sign designed to embarrass instead.

This man wasn’t waiting for Tom to get off the plane and accept a wedding ring. Instead, he was just creating a sign to embarrass his friend as he landed. Don’t worry, we’re sure that Tom will get him back the next time he’s the one returning home from a trip.
Direct and to the Point
This person wasn’t one to mince words when he created his sign. He put down a straightforward message: “Smokin’ hot Italian Chick.” He even completed the look with shades and a full suit.

There’s a little bit of mystery behind this man. Was he hoping to land a date by hanging out in an airport? The more likely answer is that he was waiting for his wife or girlfriend to land and watch them turn red when they saw his sign.
Mom, Dad, You’re Home!
After a long trip, it can seem like you haven’t seen your loved ones forever. That’s exactly what these kids were thinking when they made this sign for their parents.

They wrote it almost like a bizarre Craigslist ad: “3 Sassy Orphanz Seek Loving Parents.” With a sign like this, we’re sure that practical joking is a common theme in this family. We’re also pretty sure that their parents probably cracked a smile as they returned from their trip.
Can’t Miss This
Sometimes, a welcome home sign is just the thing you need to greet someone fresh off a flight. Other times, though, it isn’t quite enough to get your point across.

That’s obviously what this zany pair was thinking. The sign alone doesn’t raise too much suspicion. However, when you add the blown-up picture of their loved one’s face in the hands of one of the greeters, you have a result that you won’t forget anytime soon.
Maybe Don’t Advertise It
Poor Sarah. In case you aren’t aware, Imodium is a medication to help your stomach. Specifically, it’s often used to help reduce symptoms like diarrhea.

When Sarah asked her loved one to bring some for her at the airport, she probably hoped they’d discreetly slip it into her hand. She probably wasn’t expecting a sign this big to advertise her business to the entire airport. Hopefully, this was all in good fun and Sarah laughed as she got home.
Sticky Sweet
Some of the most entertaining signs aren’t necessarily pun-filled or a practical joke at all. Sometimes, the results are just wholesome and cute.

This person was ready to greet their significant other with a sign that expressed their feelings for them. They admit that they wanted to create a cute sign but instead they could only think of the cute face that would be waiting for them at the airport. All in all, they succeeded in their goal. Aw!
Ready for Commitment
When Anna left for her trip, this man was on the fence about a major decision. By the time she got back, he made up his mind and he wasn’t afraid to let everyone know.

While it might bring some private matters into the public eye, it’s still sweet to see his decision. He confidently declares that he knows her baby isn’t his but that he’ll raise them just as if they were. This probably led to a pretty emotional moment.
First Time Meetings
One of the most emotional reunions you can find in an airport is army families welcoming their loved ones home from overseas. After all, their job is among the most dangerous.

When this man left, his wife was pregnant. So, she warned him on her sign that she might not look the same as she did. However, she also heartwarmingly invited him to come and meet his “mini-me.” This was sure to be quite a tearful reunion that moved hearts all around it.
Family Ties
This person was ready to make a genealogy joke when Douglas landed at the airport. His simple but straightforward sign makes that message loud and clear.

Not only did he welcome Douglas home, but he also reminded him of who his family is in a unique way. Rather than putting a simple first name and last name, he opted for a more formal “Douglas of the clan McGregor.” For good measure, he even included the family crest – just in case Douglas forgot.
What’s In a Name
Shakespeare once said, “What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” Well, we aren’t so sure that he had a nickname like this in mind when he wrote Romeo and Juliet.

This woman decided to be straight to the point when she made her sign instead of beating around the bush. Her sign states that she’s looking for a “noisy pale-faced lady” who will be getting off the plane any moment now.
It’s Hard Meeting New Clients
When this woman went to the airport to pick up a new client, she needed to make a sign quickly. After all, they didn’t know her and she didn’t know them.

The bad news is that autocorrect might have gotten the best of her here. That’s because the sign reads “Hot Gravy” rather than an actual name. Hopefully, she found who she was looking for and there wasn’t too much fallout from the mistake. Better luck next time!
Counting the Days
Deployed loved ones can be hard to wait for. After all, you want them home safe and sound as soon as possible, but you understand that they have a job to do.

While this woman waited for her husband to come home from Afghanistan, she was counting the moments until they could be together again. She even tore a page from a calendar every day to count down the days. After 113, she rushed to the airport to welcome him home with this touching sign.
Doesn’t Need an Answer
We’ve all heard the old joke before. Who has two thumbs and was excited to greet Taylor and Steven home? This guy!

In case you weren’t sure of the answer to his rhetorical question, he has you covered on this front as well. He cut out a spot to put his face so the answer was on display. For an added touch, he even drew a pair of hands, thumbs pointed towards him. His knowing smirk says he’s pretty proud of his joke, too.
Double Trouble
As this woman’s two best friends landed at the airport, she was waiting to show them her clever sign. Hopefully, she only got the attention she wanted from them and got to skip out on strangers’ jokes.

She decided to be more descriptive than literal as she invited “The 2 Hottest Guys at This Airport” for a ride home. While we’re sure her friends were flattered, it’s impressive to think anyone would make it off a long flight looking anything but tired.
Takes One to Know One
While ditzy behavior isn’t always smiled upon, it’s obvious that this girl was joking around on purpose. The way she held her sign is what makes this joke land.

Instead of writing her friend’s name or “welcome home” on her poster, she invited her friend home with a simple label: “Idiot.” However, not one to let the joke land to the sound of crickets, she made sure to hold the sign upside down to poke fun at them both.
Speaking Your Language
If you aren’t a fan of the game World of Warcraft, you probably are scratching your head as to what this sign could mean. To people who do play it, this guy is pretty clever.

This guy was probably picking up a friend that he often played the online multiplayer game with. It’s a clever sign and a great way to capitalize on a shared interest. Plus, he likely won’t be mistaken for anyone else there!
A Dangerous Game
We hope that this man’s sign asking for “Loose women” was a poorly thought-through joke. Alternatively, maybe he was the loser of an unfortunate bet.

Either way, we’re hoping that he found who he was looking for without ending up being berated. In the meantime, we have to wonder if anyone saw the sign and thought it was more than a little inappropriate and gave him a piece of their mind. Either way, it’s quite a sign.
Proud Papa
This proud man was likely waiting for his son. Maybe he plays basketball at college and his childhood room was filled with pictures of a certain legendary basketball player.

In the end, the sign he made is simple but effective. Not to mention, it makes for a pretty wholesome sight. Yet, there might be more than one person looking around in hopes of glimpsing the sports legend hauling his luggage alongside them. We hope they aren’t too disappointed when they realize the truth.
A Lot to Go Over
When you’re overseas serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, you sacrifice a lot of moments in your personal life for your country. This means that you can expect a lot of catching up when you come home.

This woman was ready to welcome her loved one back with plenty of tales that he missed while he was away. Of course, her sign had to fit the theme as well. She made sure to use the right lingo and warned him to be ready to be de-briefed.
A Warm Welcome
When it comes to someone’s orientation, not every family is as receptive as you might hope. However, this father was ready to tell his son exactly where he stood.

His sign isn’t highly decorative but the message on it has a lot of meaning. Maybe he came out while he was away or his father just wanted to welcome him back with a reminder. His sign welcoming his son home and telling him “It’s okay to be gay” is a great message that not everyone gets to hear.
Factory Break
If you’re looking for someone at the airport, you’d probably be surprised if you found them looking like this. In case you aren’t aware, this person is an iconic character from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Maybe this person was paying homage to their friend or family’s favorite movie as they arrived home, or maybe the factory sent this guy to check on the chocolate inventory at the airport gift shop. Either way, this weary traveler probably got a good laugh out of their friend’s antics.
Welcome Back, Dad!
While this father was away, his child wasn’t afraid to step up to the plate – even if they still need a stroller to get around.

The sign promises that this sweet baby took up the mantle of taking care of their mom now that he was gone. Yet, they’re ready to hang up their hat and go back to playing with blocks. They do offer a warning, though: “She is a lot of work!” For an extra cute touch, they even “signed” the poster!
Breaking News
Matt, we hope this was good news for you because these two fellows weren’t here to break the news gently. Their sign is so big that both of them have to hold it.

On the bright side, Matt will soon have the chance to experience life as an uncle to a little niece or nephew. We just hope that he has enough spending money left from his trip to spoil the little one or splurge at the baby shower.
A New Face
If you’re away from home long enough, you miss some of the big things as well as the little moments. The event this father missed while on deployment is one for the history books, though.

This little one is ready to welcome her father home with a fresh, new face. According to the sign on her stroller, she’s waited her whole life to meet her dad. She looks pretty excited to see his face for the first time too!
Celebrities: They’re Just Like Us
It’s part of the job for actors to travel around the world performing their craft. That’s what Eric Stonestreet was doing when he landed in Australia for a press event.

One fan of his work on Modern Family was ready to welcome him to the country with a large sign. Not only did Stonestreet notice, but he was nice enough to take a moment for a photo op with the lucky man. Surely, he went home happy with how it turned out!
Not Mincing Words
As you welcome someone home, you probably have a lot on your mind. What do you want to do? What stories have they missed that you need to tell them on the way home?

When this person made their loved one a welcome back sign, they weren’t going to waste time mincing words. In a sign complete with glitter and carefully placed craft letters, they invite their loved one home and ask for immediate kisses to make up for the time that their partner was gone.
Laundry List
For parents, a vacation is a rare and rewarding opportunity. That isn’t to say children aren’t rewarding, but it is nice to take a break from the day-to-day chores that come with leading a household.

When this mom arrived home from vacation, her sons were there to greet her with a big sign welcoming her back. Also, the sign reminded her of the tasks she had at home since they immediately let her know that they were fresh out of clean underwear.
Luke, I am Your Father
Even if you’ve never seen Star Wars before, you probably know at least one thing about it. That is the iconic scene in which Darth Vader reveals that he’s Luke Skywalker’s father.

This dad fell in love with the movies and came up with this creative way to welcome his daughter home. Not only did he have a sign reading “Rebecca, I am your father” but he even donned a full Darth Vader costume for the event.
All Roads Lead Home
No matter where you’re coming from, it’s always a great feeling to finally arrive home. This family was ready with not just one but three signs welcoming the mother of the family home from prison.

This represents one of two potential situations. Taken one way, they’re genuinely welcoming her home after a hard time. Another, they’re trying to embarrass her as she walks inside the airport. Either way, they will turn heads and get her attention!
An Interesting Name
Everyone has a last name but some are harder to spell – or are more entertaining – than others. That’s the case with this man, but his friends distorted his name just enough to create the result “Gleeballs.”

Even better, it wasn’t even a group of friends at the airport. Rather, this poor fellow had to look a professional chauffeur in the eyes and answer to his new last name. While slightly embarrassing, the juvenile prank is worth a giggle.
An Order He Can’t Refuse
Deployment is hard on families – both those that are deployed and the loved ones waiting at home. It makes sense that there are so many well-thought-out signs and messages waiting for them once they land.

This woman was ready when Officer Neal landed on the tarmac. With a sign that reads “Report for Booty,” the kiss in this picture makes it touching. Sure, the sign might be a little bossy but we’re sure that Neal was up for the challenge.
Maybe Not Specific Enough
The benefit of using a sign at the airport is that it’s easy to spot and it’s noticeable. Oftentimes, our loved ones see the signs we’re holding before they can necessarily make out our faces.

This person chose a funny but fairly vague sign as she invited her “Sweet thang” to come over and kiss her. We hope that she got the right person she was looking for right away rather than having to stumble through a few cases of mistaken identity.
Brow Perfection
When most of us get off the plane once we’ve landed at our destination, we might not feel like we look our best. This is especially true of long flights where we might dress for comfort over style.

This father wasn’t about to let his daughter get out of the airport without a morale boost, though! He even brushed up on his slang to make sure she felt right at home. Not to mention, what better compliment could you get than on your brows?
Warning: Incoming!
Airports, where loved ones are regularly greeted after a long journey home or away to see family for the holidays, are emotional places. That’s something that these kids know all too well.

The duo even comes with a warning sign. It tells everyone around them that they’re waiting for their grandmother and they aren’t going to hold anything back when they see her. We’re pretty sure that their grandmother is just as excited to see them as they are to see her.
Dad, You’re Here!
While his dad was deployed, this little boy missed him dearly. So he was ready when his dad got to the airport and he could give him a message.

Of course, he couldn’t welcome his dad home without a sense of humor. His sign let his dad know that he was glad he was home not only because he missed him, but jokingly said that his mom had quit two weeks ago. We wonder what his dad thought when he saw the sign as he approached the baggage claim!
Spare Rider
If you make your living as a driver, the number of people you take from place to place is positively correlated to the amount of money that you make. This man was ready to earn an extra buck.

On his sign, he has the name Alice – the person he’s supposed to pick up from the airport. Underneath that name, he’s written “random citizen,” inviting a second person to ride along with them. After all, he has to make a living!
Left to Translation
This sign is rather simple but if you aren’t sure what it means, you might be confused. It’s easy to think that “Ayo Ma” could translate to “Hey you, ma!” as a joking way to get someone’s attention.

However, this isn’t the case. Ayo is a common first name for people who live in Nigeria or Benin. Ma is likely just this person’s last name. In the end, this is more of an accidentally funny sign that some people might not recognize.
Pixar Potential
Finding Nemo is an obvious theme to this poster. If you haven’t seen the movie, it’s about a clownfish father looking for his missing son. Aiding in his quest is a character named Dory, the blue fish on this sign.

This makes it a cute choice for a reunion – even if this one is between a mother and daughter rather than father and son. Even more adorable, this pair is almost wearing colors corresponding to the characters on the poster!
Hi Mom!
Just as much as they are ready to welcome their parents home, some kids can’t resist the chance to pull a prank. This is one such moment.

The son is standing proudly with a sign that is welcoming his mom home from prison. We actually aren’t sure that’s really where this lady arrived home from. Her smile says she took the joke in stride and is probably used to her son’s antics which means this was only a slight surprise to see.
Welcome Back?
When you land back at home, you’re often ready to soak in the scenery you’re used to – even if that scenery is drearier than the landscape you left.

When this mom arrived back in Seattle, her husband and sons had a mild joke to welcome her back. All dressed in Hawaiian-style shirts and holding a big sign, they welcomed her to “Florida.” It was a funny way to help ease her back into Seattle’s famously rainy weather.
Ugly Christmas…Suit?
When it comes time to celebrate the holidays, most of us are used to seeing ugly Christmas and holiday sweaters galore. This person stepped it up a notch.

Instead of just a sweater, they upgraded to a full three-piece suit. Even his tie matches the theme! What makes this so funny is that his “#FAM” as his sign denotes are pretty well-known for not being full of holiday cheer. His holly jolly demeanor was sure to bring a smile anyway!
Never Again
Sometimes, it’s exciting to pick up a loved one from the airport and welcome them. Other times, it doesn’t quite live up to expectations.

This is especially true if someone has an early or late flight. This person wasn’t a fan of their repeated trips to the airport when they made this sign. Before it welcomes them home, it warns them to never ask for the same favor again with a cheerful “This better be the last time I pick you up.”
New Faces
This baby was ready at the airport to meet her dad. Not only had it been a long deployment, but they were also going to meet each other for the very first time!

Borrowing and editing some lyrics from the popular song “Call Me Maybe,” the sign introduces exactly who little Harper is to her returning father. This family reunion was sure to include plenty of happy tears shed when this father finally laid eyes on his daughter.
Back on Your Feet
Substance abuse is a serious problem. Those who manage to get help, and fight against it are real heroes because not many people can always find the help, the resources, and the mental strengths needed to get better.

But, we are not quite sure that you’d want to welcome that person in this way. We mean, why does the entire airport need to know that this person is freshly out of rehab?
Come With Us Please
This is something only two of your best friends can do when welcoming you back in the airport. These fellas dressed in these black suites, which make them look — at the very least — like FBI agents or some other government agents.

In fact, they just remind us of those movies in which an unsuspecting civilian is approached by government agents and is requested to follow them under the usual pretext of “national security.”
John Lennon’s famous song “Imagine” is all about a vision of a better, freer and equal world. In the song, Lenon says “imagine there’s no countries.”

We think that this sign is just in the spirit of it. People will always find a way to be together, and no one is going to stop them. After all, the United States was established as a home for all those who wanted to be free.
Mr. Who?
We don’t mean to be rude, but there is a slight chance that this guy just misspelled it? Just read the name on the sign again. What does it sound to you like?

We read it in an Irish accent, if it helps you to get our point across. Mr. Huge Ar**? Is that what he meant? We seriously hope that there’s been a mix-up. Admit it, you laughed hard at it just like we did.
Your Car Is Here, Sir
Who doesn’t want to be treated like royalty? You could, for just one night, if you have the right friends. This seems to be the case here. This woman dressed up like one of those chauffeurs you see in the movies.

This is how she chooses to welcome her friend at the airport. We wonder if she also rented a mansion to complement her attire. In any case, this is still cool.
Far From Home
Being married to a serviceman who is stationed overseas is particularly hard. This means that you only get to see him once every nine or eight months.

This means that if you spend your last night together before they are shipped off again, chances are that they will have a nice surprise when they come back again. This is just heartwarming. These women have been waiting for quite some time to see their husbands again.
Hey There, Cowboy!
Having friends is great, but sometimes, they too can get a little too awkward and embarrass you in public. This seems to be the case here. This guy went out of his way to prepare this welcome back sign for his buddy.

The problem is, his buddy doesn’t look very cowboyish to us. Unless we are mixing the too and the taller one is the one to whom this sign was originally intended.
Rolling Out the Red Carpet
When you first get home, it makes sense that a little celebration is in order. This man knew that it wasn’t even worth the wait until they got home to get started.

That’s why when he got to the airport, he decided to set up shop. Complete with a stand and margarita mix, he was ready to celebrate his loved one’s arrival home and national margarita day. We’re sure that his loved one appreciated it. Plus, it’s five o’clock somewhere, right?
Welcome Back Like the ’90s
If you haven’t seen the iconic sitcom Friends, this joke might go over your head. If you have, you’ll likely appreciate this man’s sign.

As he welcomes home Princess Consuela Banana-Squeegie McBeckenheim III, he’s also paying homage to a cultural reference that most people would crack a grin at. If you don’t understand the joke, you won’t regret a binge session of the classic show. So, if you want in, consider this a sign to start Friends!
Who Needs a Couch Anyway?
Dogs are man’s best friend for a reason. They tend to love without question and they’ll always be there for you in your time of need.

Unfortunately, even our dear pets aren’t perfect. This sign welcomed home a loved one while breaking some less than great news. Their pup not been pleased with their alone time, and took out their frustration by having a snack… made of the family couch. On the bright side, at least they have a new couch to enjoy now that they’re home!
Larger Than Life
Airports are crowded places. This means that if you’re looking for someone in the crowd, it’s a good idea to have a way to get their attention.

This family knew exactly what to do. Forgoing a simple sign, they bought a large sheet of banner paper that was so big it took two people to hold. With a message that reads “Hi Mom, only we would do this,” it’s no doubt that this woman recognized her kids and their familiar antics from a mile away.
Looks Are Deceiving
Unfortunately, many people judge strangers based on looks. Take this couple for instance – someone looking at them superficially might not pair them together. While rude, it’s something this couple wasn’t afraid to joke about.

When welcoming him home, this woman made her partner a sign that read that she was running out of money and looking for her sugar daddy. If that didn’t get the point across, she made sure to add an image of her returning loved one for reference.