Not Quite a Moment of Silence
There are some things that you can only really believe would happen if you experience them. This day in class sounds like one of them. Even weirder, this was on the first day of class.

You probably wouldn’t really know what to do either if your professor silently walked into the room, only to jam out to T Swift’s “22”. In the end, it turned out that he wanted to honor the new graduating class even if he went for a rather unpredictable method.
A Teacher Knows
When you want to keep a full class’ attention, you’re going to have to get creative. Especially with younger classes, it can be hard to keep their interest. This teacher knew the way to these students’ hearts, though.

After all, what middle schooler could say no to getting the opportunity to watch things blow things up? All this teacher asked was 40 minutes of their well-behaved time for an experiment no 8th grader would want to miss.
Showing Off His Skills
There are some pop culture moments that really define part of your childhood. After all, some things have a way of making their way into everyday life, don’t they?

For example, if you were alive when Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” came out, you know that almost everyone knew it. If you were particularly skilled, maybe you even nailed the infamous moonwalk. This teacher did and he wasn’t about to let the skill go to waste.
One Way to Do It
There are some ways that teachers can teach you something without making you feel like you’re doing any work at all. That’s exactly what this teacher offered.

This class was probably thinking they were getting out of learning that day. Well, learning about anything other than the plot of Forrest Gump. However, it seems like the teacher successfully made sure everyone remembered what a filibuster was.
Nevermind That
When you’re a teacher, hopefully, the entire class has their eyes on you. However, that’s also a lot of pressure to put on one person. If you fall in front of a full class, how do you recover from it?

Do you acknowledge it? We guess you don’t if you’re this teacher, who took a dive out of the whole building and just moved on as if nothing had happened. We can only hope this window was relatively close to the ground.
A Little Jealous
There are some things that will always delight a classroom full of students. Seeing a TV rolled in on a rainy day is one of those things.

There are a few in-school titles that are popular both among teachers and students. It might not be as popular now but at one point, there was nothing better than a science class with Bill Nye. It seems like this teacher knew that and was a bit bitter about the whole thing.
Just a Thought
Sometimes, the weird things people say aren’t related to the conversation beforehand. That’s true for teachers, too. This is because you sometimes have a thought you just need to share.

This one came a bit out of left field. It seemed like this professor couldn’t move on with the lesson without sharing this dark thought. How would you even react to a teacher saying that?
Everyone’s Getting New Names
While you go through school, you might not go by your legal name to your teachers and peers. Some people prefer nicknames, middle names, or new names to replace the one they put on official documents.

If you want a nickname, how do you get it? You could come up with a shortened version of your name or just head to this class and check out the “rap name generator” this teacher found. He liked the results so much that he decided to keep them much to his students’ surprise.
A Memorable Impression
On the first day of class, it’s up to the professor to make an impression more than the students. They may not meet everyone in attendance that day but everyone will definitely meet them.

This class definitely must have remembered this professor for a while. At the very least, this person couldn’t forget it. We wonder how this professor came to the decision to fake a twin to prank everyone on the first day of class. It seems like it was easy to see through!
Alternatively, Use it for Evil
Of course, making a weird first impression isn’t the only way that a teacher could refer to a twin. For an even weirder option, use your fake twin as a threat.

This class already thought it was weird that this teacher kept telling them his evil twin was coming to sub for the class. We’re guessing in an unsurprising move to the class after this, he showed up later that week as his “evil twin.”
Not Appreciated
When you’re a teacher, there are some times that you have students you just don’t get along with. At the end of the year, you’re not too sad to see them move onto a colleague’s classroom.

This teacher was a bit too honest about it, though. Although the joke was probably all in good fun, the OP was a little surprised to hear their teacher crack it.
A Realistic Outlook
As you go through school, one of the questions you might be trying to figure out is what goals you have once you graduate. Seeing so many teachers working hard as you go about your day, it’s easy to get inspired.

However, it’s a good idea to make sure you have a realistic outlook of what your job might be like. This teacher wanted to make sure this student knew that it was a good job — but the students can push you to your breaking point.
Wake Up!
Whether it’s a long night of studying or your part-time that kept you working late, sometimes it’s hard to stay awake in class. When you doze off, some teachers are a lot harsher than others.

This teacher clearly wasn’t about to just let their students sleep in class. In fact, he had a rather memorable way to startle his students awake. You’d definitely be a little too rattled to fall back asleep!
Teacher Puns
There are some subjects that teachers often have to work a little harder in order to keep students engaged. Not everyone is into math, at the end of the day.

This teacher decided to inject her own weird sense of humor into the lessons to keep her students on their toes. With the power of puns, she pulled off a joke that surely deserved at least a giggle or two from the class. It’s pretty clever, right?
Holding Onto Something
There are some pieces of technology that are often updated. If you want to keep up, you’re going to have to invest a bit of money into keeping the collection going.

These students were surprised to see that their teacher always had the newest iPhone, seemingly no matter what was going on. After a while, they started to wonder how important this was to him. It seems like it’s something no one should try to take away from him.
A Terrifying Pointer
Teachers often spend a lot of time pointing at the board. If you want to use the whole board and not have to move around so much, a pointer is a key tool.

We’ve all seen teachers use a simple ruler or stick with a pointer finger on the end. It seems like this person wanted to stand out from the teachers around them, though. It was definitely memorable to everyone in their class to use dismembered Barbie heads like this.
Pretty Weird
There are some things that you would think your students don’t know much about. However, sometimes you have professors in college that are a lot more open than the teachers you had when you were younger.

This classroom was a little surprised already to know so much about their professor’s divorce. So, during attendance one day, he finally realized that this person shared a name with his ex-wife but there was no relation. This reaction would be beyond weird in a lecture hall.
Needing an Example
Teachers use a lot of examples to help teach their students. If you’re learning about plays, you might read Shakespeare, or turn to Hemingway if you’re learning about short stories.

When this class was learning about poetry, their teacher realized that the class needed some examples of what not to do as well. Of course, the greats in the genre aren’t really considered greats for their poor poetry. So, to show his class what bad poetry sounds like, this teacher chose a much weirder option.
But My Candy Bar…
There are some people that just can’t resist the chance to use a pun. This teacher obviously wanted to join in the fun. Was the pun good? Well, really, it was just okay and it struck this person as kind of weird.

Maybe that’s because of the consequences of this pun. After all, he did grab the OP’s snack just for the sake of the pun. Maybe you should use your own food for these kinds of puns.
Getting Excited
Everyone has their own way of speaking and sometimes, you associate specific turns of phrases with the people you know that use them often.

This teacher might be alone in his way of starting class, though. Then again, economics isn’t known for being an easy or fun class usually. So, we admire that this teacher was just trying to make things a little more engaging than looking at definitions and graphs.
An Interesting Reaction
When you go above and beyond at work, it’s nice to see your hard work pay off. For teachers, they may even get an award for their work.

Of course, getting an award at work comes with the daunting task of giving an acceptance speech. Do you go for a serious, sobering speech or do you inject a sense of humor? The way this teacher ended their speech definitely caught the students off guard.
One Way to Remind Them
When you’re in school, it’s often important to turn things in on time if you want to make sure you get the best grade possible.

However, it’s bound to happen from time to time that kids forget their homework. What do you do to encourage them to bring their homework next time? It seems like this teacher went for a rather unique approach that the kids wouldn’t be forgetting anytime soon.
That’s Quite a Saying
Aside from getting assignments turned in each time they’re due, there are some other responsibilities that students have throughout school.

This teacher wanted to make sure that their students weren’t about to cheat on their tests in this class. If that meant preying a little on the fear for polar bears, so be it. This person definitely didn’t forget being told this one.
Some Advice
There are some things that teachers share with their students. Multiplication tables, books, and more are all common things that people share.

This teacher was teaching 7th grade — so sharing too much of your personal life with a classroom full of preteens can really go wrong. We wonder what happened to this teacher to share this cynical piece of advice with their students. Even to this day, Jimmy Fallon isn’t about to forget.
Just That One Phrase
There are some things that you say but they aren’t taken literally. That’s how a turn of phrase or metaphor like this works.

This teacher wasn’t about to just say this phrase without following through! It actually means to boil something down to a smaller, easier-to-communicate idea but this teacher obviously took the expression a bit literally. Plus, he made sure to do it every single time.
Whatever You Need
When you decorate a classroom, you really want to give a sense of who you are as a teacher as well as encourage the students.

After all, you have to spend as much time there as the students do, if not more! This teacher definitely shared something specific with them in this classroom. We wonder how he’s doing on his goal. It’s one that at least one student couldn’t forget.
Trying His Best
When you’re in the school system, you might hear a few pretty ruthless butcherings of your name from teachers and subs doing roll call at the beginning of class.

When this professor kept mispronouncing this person’s name, they just couldn’t bring themselves to correct him. After all, their name was the only one that he was confident in knowing. Who could break his heart at this point? Not this student, at the very least.
That’s One Perspective
There are some things that just are best to do for hygiene’s sake. For instance, you should take the time to clean out your old coffee mugs. Otherwise, you might face another problem, like mold.

This teacher didn’t seem too phased but his students were a bit weirded out by his coffee-mugs-turned-biohazards. If you ask him, though, those are fine — they’re just the science experiment they were conducting.
Really Getting Into It
If you want to get involved in your local government, making sure you come out to vote is a great place to start. Of course, you have to meet some qualifications before you vote.

For one, you have to be at least 18 years old before you register. So, how can you get school students interested in the process that’s still years away? Smelling the democracy is one way to go about it, we guess.
One Way to Teach
As we’ve said before, you have to make sure that your students are really engaged. Otherwise, they may struggle to retain it.

This teacher knew exactly how to make some high schoolers really interested in learning. After all, teenagers tend to find dirty words and anything like them pretty amusing. This is a weird but seemingly successful way for the students to remember the vocabulary they learned.
A Little Time to Relax
Teachers spend a lot of their days on their feet. Anyone who tried their job would likely find themselves feeling pretty tired at some point, too!

When this class wandered in, their teacher was nowhere to be found. Then, they looked down and saw where he was. You really can’t argue with his logic here and maybe he’s right — perhaps you just need to take a break from learning sometimes to relax on the floor.
Is This Appropriate?
While a lot of teachers want you to stay in the moment and pay attention in class, they can’t avoid the fact that you’re looking forward to some other things.

For example, if you’re close to a summer vacation, your teacher might have a countdown on the board to motivate you. This countdown is pretty far from average. While these weren’t little kids, should this teacher have had a countdown to their divorce?
Give Her a Minute
There are some things about being a teacher or professor that can be challenging. Recognizing all your students can sometimes feel nearly impossible. This teacher knew the near-insurmountable task ahead of her.

She just wanted to make sure she knew exactly who she was teaching as the semester went on. This might have made for an awkward first day, though. We wonder if she found this method helpful!
Oh, Okay Then
There are some things that teachers have to do. One basic duty is to make sure they know where their class is at all times.

Sometimes, kids do have to go out on their own, though. So, they don’t get in trouble as they go through the halls, they take a bathroom pass with them. Still, one that says “I’m missing an educational experience because I have to tinkle” seems a bit passive-aggressive.
Very Subtle
As we’ve covered already, cheating is usually not something your teachers want you to do. They may even have systems in place to help prevent it.

This person was all set to take a test but something in the room was distracting him. Maybe it was his teacher who was distracting him as he looked through a couple of holes he cut out of a newspaper. This sounds more unsettling than just being directly watched!
Didn’t Notice
When you go out in the evening, you’re in your off hours. You don’t necessarily have to look work appropriate or even professional when you’re hanging out with friends.

However, when you get to your desk and that first bell rings in the morning, you’re officially on the clock. So, you might be curious as to why your students are chuckling at your appearance. It took almost a whole period for this teacher to figure it out.
Something Wholesome to Watch
There are some people who are really attached to their pets. After all, those are their babies and it’s hard to part from someone you love, even for a few hours.

Not about to leave this dog at home, this teacher made the common choice to put the dog in a day care. However, they really went the extra mile to live stream it throughout the day. If we were in this class, we’d probably get distracted by the pup at play!
A Big Oversight
When you learn something in school, teachers have to make sure that the class knows it. Many teachers do this through tests.

However, if you want to accurately assess your class, you have to give them a fair chance. In other words, you have to teach them all the material you put on the test. This teacher realized just in the nick of time that she may have forgotten to do something.
Red in the Face
If you know anything about teaching middle schoolers or even being near one, you know you have to watch what you say. When they hear something inappropriate, they won’t let it go.

We can only imagine this teacher’s horror when they misspoke when trying to get the children to take out their “toolkits.” With adults, the comment might have passed without incident but at least one student thought they found a great new name for the toolkits.
Wait, What?
When you want to get your student’s attention what do you do? What will grab their attention even if they’re chatting amongst themselves? Some teachers go for a specific sound like a ringing bell or clapping.

This teacher decided to go a little differently and choose something that would catch their attention by being strange. Who wouldn’t wonder what was happening if they heard this phrase in the middle of class?
The Teacher’s Preference
There are certain clichés about school trends that might not be true. If you listen to the cartoons, your teachers want bushels and bushels of apples. This teacher was over the apple craze.

In fact, she was fine with a red, healthy snack as long as it was a different one. Yet, not too many people bite into a tomato like an apple, so it left a few of these students surprised as they watched.
Well, This Is Awkward
There are some people who have different life preferences from the norm. A lot of people fulfill the traditional milestones of getting married and having kids. This teacher made it clear that this wasn’t who she was.

That’s fair enough — not everyone has to get married and have kids. However, this statement takes on a darker turn when you say this and you already have a husband and children of your own. Don’t let them hear that!
Too Old for This
For some people, it takes a lot of courage to speak up in class. It’s hard to make yourself stand out, even for a moment!

This student managed to work up the nerve to raise their hands and chip in during a class and say their piece. After a reaction like that, we can’t help but wonder if it’s ever worth it to try and join the conversation again anytime soon. Maybe this was a bigger hit when he was younger.
Showing Off Some Static
You might teach a lot of different subjects if you’re a high school teacher. In science class, you have the fun of conducting experiments, though.

That seems like something that this teacher enjoyed about his job. However, it seems like this teacher was using his power for evil as well. This would be, quite literally, a shocking surprise as you come into class to a handshake like this!
Teachers have a huge responsibility. After all, they’ve dedicated their careers to making sure that the next generation is ready to go when they graduate! However, even the most dedicated teachers can do some weird things that make their students laugh or even just wonder what’s going on. These are some of the oddest stories people shared when Jimmy Fallon wondered on Twitter about people’s weird teachers.