Lending a Hand
The wheel is one of the first, greatest, and mostly widely used inventions humans have figured out. That doesn’t mean they’re always convenient, though.

We’re sure that the wheels on this stroller were really helpful on a walk or rolling through a store. On the other hand, they don’t seem quite as handy when you’re trying to sit down on public transit. This guy knew he could lend a hand and make things much easier.
Dozing Off
Being a mom takes a lot of energy and hard work. So, can you really blame a mom if she starts to doze on the subway?

This kid is old enough that he could have woken his mom up if he needed her. That was the exact opposite of what he did, though. Instead, he made sure she had something a little softer to lay her head on for a few moments.
Helping Out
Being rushed to the hospital is inherently scary. If you’ve never experienced a quick drop in blood sugar like this, it’s pretty disorienting to boot.

Not to mention, leaving five kids at home can really cause some problems. Given that their mom was busy at the moment, these police officers did what they could to care for her children.
No One’s Falling Today
Icy conditions can be dangerous to just about anyone. After all, a nasty spill could ruin anyone’s day or even land them in a doctor’s office.

As you get older, these icy conditions might get harder and more anxiety-inducing to deal with. That’s why this woman was so quick to ask for a little help getting home. She asked the right person, too, as this guy has been getting her home safely ever since.
Trying to Warn Her
In most cases, a man recording a woman without her seemingly knowing is not a great thing. Rather, it can be a real invasion of privacy and even dangerous.

So, when this guy saw someone recording her, he obviously didn’t have the backstory that they were together. Still, that didn’t mean he was just going to hope for the best. In case that was a stranger, she needed to know what was happening.
Short at Concerts
We all have complaints and benefits about our heights. If you’re short, you don’t have to worry about hitting your head on a doorway or hearing “How’s the weather up there?” 50 times a day.

On the flip side, you aren’t going to be able to see as easily at concerts. That’s even harder when you’re further back with taller people in front of you. You get used to it, so this person was surprised when someone checked in.
For All Your Hard Work
Speaking of concerts, no matter which one you go to, there’s a lot that goes into pulling that off. We aren’t just talking about the musicians either.

For example, security guards often work all around the venue. So, some of them don’t even get to enjoy the concert they’re working at. We’re sure being posted in this stairwell wasn’t exciting but at least one of the musicians came to make sure she could enjoy the music for a little bit.
A Change in Invoice
If you have to call in a specialist to fix something like the boiler in your house, you probably stress the big bill that can come with it.

This repairman couldn’t bring himself to charge this customer under the circumstances. Given that this woman was older and in poor health, it just didn’t seem right. In fact, they were going to be available whenever she needed anything from then on.
A Man in the Crowd
Giving a big presentation can be nerve-wracking. Did the audience take what you wanted them to away from the project? Did they notice your favorite piece of what you said?

This person’s boyfriend was there to make sure that she got the chance to re-highlight her favorite piece of research. Not to mention, it shows that he really paid attention when she went over it before the big day.
It Takes a Village
When it comes to childcare, you may have heard the saying that it “takes a village.” That’s all about people being there for each other.

While you might tire during a long flight with a crying child, imagine how the mother of that child trying to soothe them is feeling. That’s why this person wanted to pitch in rather than add to the background noise of complaints. It touched at least one passenger’s heart!
Not the Only One
The good news is that there’s more than one wholesome person in the world ready to help out a tired, traveling mother with a fussy baby.

Working in an airport, you probably see a lot of people when they’re really stressed. This gate agent wanted to do what he could to bring some ease to the passenger’s travels, even if that meant taking a few minutes off their shift to walk the baby around for a bit. We’re sure that this mother really appreciated the help.
Daddy-Daughter Dance
When kids are young, there are a lot of bonding activities they can do with their parents. One that many kids have experienced is a daddy-daughter dance.

However, these events might not feel as wholesome if your dad isn’t there for some reason. That was something that could have been a problem here but this girl’s older sibling’s boyfriend stepped up and made sure she had accompaniment to the dance.
No Babysitter? No Problem
When you’re in college, you usually don’t have a lot of extra money. After all, it takes a lot of focus and work to get through your studies.

However, college students usually have their hands full with various responsibilities. In this case, childcare was too expensive, and said student couldn’t find anyone to watch their kid. Their professor was happy to help out however he could so she could focus on the lesson.
It’s Not Always Easy
When you head to the grocery store, there are some things that are harder than others to do when you’re alone. We’ve all struggled with those produce bags at the supermarket.

When this person saw this woman struggling to hold open the bag and put the vegetables inside, he knew that she just needed an extra pair of hands. Given that he was right there, he didn’t see any reason not to help her out.
Barefoot in the City
If you have a big, grassy yard, going outside without any shoes on is no big deal. That’s not so much the case in the city.

Most of us would balk at walking a few blocks without anything on our feet to protect us. This guy braved just that to make sure this woman had a break from her high heels. He’s even carrying the heels for her as he walks down the street barefoot!
Worst Seat in the House
If you choose a seat in a restaurant when the sun is high in the sky, you might not have a problem with it being in your eyes.

Then again, if you stay until the sun starts to go down, those rays that weren’t a problem before begin to move. At a new angle, you might have the sun right in your eyes! Well, that is, if your date isn’t as chivalrous as this dude.
Learning to Help Out
If you’ve never had long hair and you never had to learn how to do long hair, there are some hairstyles that might just seem like a mystery to you.

Once you have someone in your life that needs help with those things, though, what do you do? This person knew that if they could help their wife do the hairstyles she wanted but struggled to achieve. YouTube is a pretty great tool for these things!
Time to Meet Someone New
If you’re planning to meet someone new, you might dress a little better than you do in your day-to-day life. After all, you want to make a good first impression, right?

That’s what this guy was thinking. All he wanted to do was impress his niece or nephew when he met them for the first time. Of course, the rest of the family might not have thought of that, since the baby doesn’t really know what formalwear is yet.
Just Checking In
Giving birth is a big event in someone’s life. Sometimes, your birth plan just doesn’t work out and things get emergent.

With the baby fast approaching, this couple called for help and it was good they did! It didn’t take long after they got there for the firefighters to have to step in to help. Later, they even stopped by to see how things were going for the family and their newest member.
Happy Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate your loved ones and let them know just how special they are. It would be a hard holiday if you’d lost the love of your life.

This person doesn’t want the widows at the local retirement and nursing homes to feel lonely or sad on Valentine’s Day. So, he goes out of his way to make sure it’s still a special day for them, even if it isn’t the same.
Fixing a Flat
A flat tire can really put you behind on your schedule for the day. It can also be really anxiety-inducing, especially if you aren’t sure how to put on the spare.

This gal called her boyfriend for help and while he was doing his best to guide her through changing a flat tire, it was just a hard task to communicate on the phone. Seeing her struggle, this group of guys walked up and took care of the problem in just a few minutes.
Who Needs it More?
When you run out to grab a generator in a storm, what are you planning on powering? Is it your lights, oven, and other modern conveniences?

These aren’t unimportant but there are some people who crucially need electricity. If you have a family member who needs electricity to power medical machines, you might need a generator a bit more. That’s why this guy was quick to offer his up to this woman.
Love Never Dies
Being in the hospital is rarely any fun but it can be even more disappointing to spend a special day cooped up in a hospital bed rather than celebrating.

This husband wasn’t about to just let their 57th anniversary pass without some sort of celebration, no matter what was happening. So, when he came to the hospital that day, he was ready with a bouquet, gifts, and a lot of love.
Ready to Teach
There are some things that we usually learn from our parents. The hard truth is, though, that not all of us have parents to rely on.

That’s how Rob Kenney felt as a kid about his father’s absence. As such, he decided that he didn’t want other people to feel like that growing up. So, he took all the things he had to learn himself and made a place where people could come to learn.
Found Family
As a parent, you tend to interact with more kids than just your own. For instance, you might volunteer at your kids’ school or even just entertain them and their friends on the weekends.

What do you do when you notice that one of these kids needs some more support? There are a lot of options but this family fully committed and made sure that this kid has a loving home all the time, not just when he visits his friend’s house.
Quite an Invention
Sometimes, the most wholesome and touching things humans can do is dedicate their time, effort, and money to doing something for the greater good.

As a science fair participant, this 17-year-old really impressed everyone with an idea that can really improve medical care. The idea that she came up with as just a teen? She invented new sutures that could visually indicate if there was an infection in a wound.
We All Gotta Start Somewhere
Anyone who’s ever gotten a touch of encouragement while feeling insecure knows just how meaningful a small gesture can be. Rather than gloat over her status as the more physically fit person, this woman at the gym decided to boost the OP’s mood.

We wouldn’t be surprised if the now-fit woman was once heavyset herself, which is what made her empathize with the OP. Either way, we hope that when the OP becomes the slim woman in the gym, she’ll pay it forward.
Donating Blood
There’s so much to say about blood transfusions but you can boil it down to something simple — these procedures often save lives that are on the line.

That said, you’ve probably heard that it’s a good idea to donate blood if you can. It’s something this former patient was sure to keep in mind after needing a transfusion himself as a child. When he found out how useful his blood was, he doubled down and donated as much as he could.
A Day in the Life
Service dogs differ from pets and even emotional support animals for quite a few reasons. The biggest one is the extensive training they go through.

They need to not only be trained in doing their tasks but they can’t get distracted. That means functioning and behaving in environments that dogs aren’t normally at. On this day of training, they were learning theater etiquette and a few of them looked like they really enjoyed the show!
Double Dates
Having a date with just you and your partner can be fun but once in a while, you want some company. That’s where double dates can be a lot of fun!

This pair was nervous to leave these grandparents at home alone so they simply didn’t. As a matter of fact, it was pretty touching that this boyfriend brought it up. It looks like they’re enjoying some treats on their double date!
Puppy Love
Once you bring home a new pet, you can’t expect them to get used to you right away. They have to acclimate to their new environment and owners.

As such, you might not expect much from them other than exploring the house and taking a few naps. That wasn’t the case with this little guy! One sweater and a queen-sized bed later and he knew he was ready to settle down outside of the shelter.
Giving it a Shot
When you’re still a kid, there are probably a lot of things that you want to do that you just don’t have the authority to make happen.

If your parents won’t let you ask to ride the firetruck, you might not do it. As an adult, though, it’s up to you what to do. This guy saw the chance to make his dreams come true and he took it. It worked out pretty well for him!
Crab Community
When you think of wholesome posts, you probably think of the touching things humans do for each other. We aren’t the only species capable of working together, however.

For instance, this person found out a fact about crabs working together that really left them shedding a tear. What happens if a hermit crab can’t fit into their new shell? Well, it would surely fit another member of their crab community!
Wedding Ready
There are a few things that are almost always an inconvenience. For one, if you have the wrong number, no one gets the information that they’re looking for. Actually, that might not always be the case.

This guy knew that he wasn’t a fashionista himself and his wife was out of the house but who knows better about trends than kids?! They gave it their seal of approval! We wonder if Syd went with that gown in the end.
Fun Facts
There are some things that just brighten your day. Someone taking the time to talk to you about your personal interests can really mean a lot.

While this zoologist was working at Starbucks, he decided to put his scientific knowledge to good use. To the customers, it was a fun way to brighten up their day and an impressive feat to meet someone who’s chock-full of knowledge about the animal kingdom.
His Best Tie
As you get older, your parents are there with you through a lot in many people’s cases. Sometimes, they have nostalgic momentos around that you might not even know about.

This person was delightfully surprised when their dad showed up in this tie to their graduation. While it might not be a designer, it’s definitely something that means a lot to him. After all, this graduate had made it rather early on in his educational journey.
Posing with Friends
When you see many official photos, they’re pretty serious. After all, it’s an official photo, not a candid shot your friend might take.

In this photo, Leland Meland shows us that you can be creative, even when you’re taking a photo for NASA. At the very least, he managed to get two of his good friends in for the photo and they look absolutely delighted to be there.
Lovely Lockets
Lockets are the type of jewelry that can be really meaningful. After all, you don’t just have the memory of getting the locket but the memories you keep inside of it too.

When this person came into possession of their grandmother’s locket, they knew what they had to do. Even though it took them an hour to get into the old locket, they found something precious inside. We guess there are few relationships that are more wholesome than an owner and their pets.
Posed for a Picture
There are a few things that you usually think would get you in trouble. For example, if you mess with a police officer’s bike, even for a picture, you’re likely to get in trouble.

We can guess that this guy probably thought it was game over when an officer came over while he was trying to get a picture of his dog on the officer’s bike. What the officer really noticed, though, was that the dog would look even cuter and more authentic if he was wearing the helmet to match the theme.
We’ve Always Been Like This
It’s easy to think that people in the past were stuffy or uptight. However, that’s often because we don’t see as many candid moments from back in the day. During that period of time, you were meant to pose for photos.

As for this couple, they had a little bit of trouble staying completely still and formal when they went to get a picture done together. We have to say, it makes these photos from centuries ago feel like they’re of someone you might know.
Who Could Say No?
There are some things that you just can’t say aren’t wholesome and endearing. Who could say no to the chance to see a baby animal when they’re having a rough day?

That’s exactly what this Twitter account is here for. As their name suggests, they’ve got all your wholesome baby animal needs covered. If you haven’t seen one, this is what a baby bison looks like!
Great Customer Service!
Usually, when you book a hotel online, you can add extra instructions and/or comments if you want. This would be the place you might ask for spare blankets or the like.

This person was interested in something more unique and off-the-wall. As a matter of fact, it was a request that almost everywhere they’d ask for it, they got nothing more than a laugh. But, finally, someone complied!
Saving a Fan
The punk scene gets a lot of criticism and not all of it’s warranted. For instance, sometimes, you get to see unlikely and strong friendships form.

After a life as a milk goat, this aging goat was in some trouble until they were rescued by a punk band. At that point, there was nothing that Biquette could do but become a loyal fan. Plus, we’re sure she got plenty of attention from concert-goers over the years.
The Sparkling Scientist
Being a woman in STEM can be intimidating. Fields like science are often male-dominated and not always as open as they should be to expanding the diversity in the field.

This scientist knows that representation is important — or, in other words, seeing people who look like you in a field you might be interested in. So, as a nod to some of the future scientists who might see her, she donned a sparkly dress they’d love.
Hey There!
There are a few things that your neighbor’s dogs do that might not be so wholesome. If you step in dog poop, you might not feel very great about it.

That said, there are some real benefits to living next door to a dog. For instance, maybe you get to see your four-legged friend when you’re outside. This dog loves to greet people so much, his owner added windows to the fence.
A Heartwarming Memory
Museums capture a lot of history. While you might often think of really old or even ancient history but recent history has a place, too.

This museum already knew they’d found something touching when they saw this desk. What made it even more heartwarming was the fact that the author recognized his work and shared the story behind this carving. Honestly, we wish Benny and Linda the best!
Preventing Car Trouble
We don’t blame the OP for having her guard up if there’d been a lot of crime in that neighborhood recently, but she shouldn’t have felt any type of way about the demographic of those kids.

That being said, we’re glad she learned not to judge people like that anymore, as those boys prevented her from having serious car trouble. Good on those kids for helping a woman out! Clearly, they were raised right.
We all have times when we need a little pick-me-up or a break from the bad news that we seem to often have a non-stop influx of. That’s why we’re taking a break to look at the more heartwarming and wholesome side of life with these touching posts from all over the internet.