Getting your first tattoo is exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time. In reality, most people probably don’t look as cool getting their first piece as they’d like to think. On the other hand, there are some clients that make the artist’s job more difficult than others. These people were all memorable for their bad times as tattoo virgins.
It’s All Too Much
Getting a tattoo isn’t a painless experience and since different people have different pain tolerances, it can affect people in different ways.

This person was wise to start with something small for their first tattoo. Still, the experience proved to be a little more than he was expecting and he eventually passed out, crumpling completely to the floor. We can excuse his confusion about people picking him up given that he did just wake up.
A Major Faux Pas
There are some things that can make you a bad client aside from your behavior while you get the tattoo. After all, that’s only part of the process.

This person admitted that they were the worst when they were first getting tattoos because they didn’t understand that a tip is standard. Looking back, they can see why they maybe weren’t his favorite client by the time they left the shop. At least they learned something from the experience.
Taking Their Time
When you’re getting ready for your first tattoo, there’s no need to work yourself up into a panic. At the same time, you probably shouldn’t get too cocky.

That’s the mistake this person made. After declaring that a tattoo would be virtually painless, she proceeded to struggle with the pain of getting the tattoo. We have to hand it to her, though, considering that she did follow through with getting inked. The only downside was she took up three hours of the artist’s time, rather than just a half hour.
Nobody Told Him?!
If a tattoo is too painful, you do have the option to walk away. That doesn’t mean that you get to undo the progress done in the session, though.

As for this person, they ended up with just a few inches of a line on their arm. The problem here was a lack of any basic knowledge about what getting a tattoo is like. For example, most people go into their first session understanding that getting a tattoo is rather painful.
One Way to Cope
There are a lot of people who are a little nervous before getting a tattoo. Especially before your first tattoo, some jitters are normal!

There are things you can do about this, though. For example, some artists let their clients listen to music throughout the process, even if it’s just through a pair of headphones. However, biting the person you brought with you is a tad uncomfortable for the artist and everyone else in the shop, especially if there’s vocal accompaniment.
Missed the Whole Thing
Getting a tattoo of a piece of media you like is a great way to keep it with you forever. However, it does call for a lot of accuracy in the design.

If a tattoo like this isn’t accurate, you and other people are going to notice. That’s why a stencil can be so handy — to give you an idea of the tattoo before it’s marked into your skin forever. Still, you should check the stencil carefully to avoid problems like, oh, an inverted design.
Going Slowly
There are some people who are wary about tattoos that get a tattoo and fall in love. Other people might change the design to make the process shorter.

This person went in with their mom for a simple tattoo — four ladybugs. In the end, though, the tattoo took a total of six hours to complete. Not to mention, she ultimately changed the design to black and white to avoid further work on it. We’re glad she stuck through it, though!
Taking a Personal Approach
There are some tattoos that hurt more than you’d expect. Your artist might not be surprised if you utter a swear word or grit your teeth here and there.

Still, there’s a limit to what’s acceptable. For instance, you should probably stay away from directly insulting the artist doing the work or the shop they work hard in. That’s the sort of behavior that could impede an artist’s job. Not to mention, they probably wouldn’t like you much afterward.
Just Another Day
Just like anywhere else, when you walk into a tattoo shop, there are rules to follow. They might not be plastered on the walls but they’re important to follow if you want to be polite.

One rule that seems like it shouldn’t need review but does — don’t touch your artist! Not only are they a person with their own space but they’re working on a very delicate job. If you grab their hand, you could ruin a tattoo, or even worse, someone could get hurt.
Making it as Far as Possible
Many artists and people with tattoos advise that you don’t start with a big tattoo. This way, you can get a feel for the process before committing to a long session, or even multiple sessions.

As for this person, they were ready to go big with a tattoo across their entire lower back. On top of that, since this was their first tattoo, they didn’t really have a measure for how much it would hurt. She ended up only getting part of the tattoo.
Unfinished Art
There are certain times that you try something new and it feels about how you would expect it to. If it doesn’t, it might just catch you off guard.

This person had heard that tattoos hurt but they clearly weren’t ready for exactly what it would feel like. As soon as they started the tattoo, this client let a scream loose and cut the session short. The result? A single line and quite a story.
Can You Subtract?
There are certain things to know about tattoos before you get started. For one, they’re fairly permanent. Once the ink is in your arm, it doesn’t just “come out.”

That’s what makes this story so awful. When this person couldn’t sit through his tattoo, he was left with just a few lines instead of the full tattoo he wanted. He even asked the artist to remove the lines only for them to have to break the bad news.
Oh, Laura
There are a lot of dissenting opinions to getting your partner’s name tattooed on you. This is particularly true if you’re young and the relationship is new.

Still, this client insisted that the artist complete the tattoo or they would just get it done by a friend. Hoping to avoid this person getting a nasty infection, they complied. Did their girlfriend like it? Well, it seems like it wasn’t quite worth the effort. Now, a cover-up is in order.
Comfortable Until…
We have to give this person kudos for owning up to the fact that they were a horrible first-time client. However, their story isn’t quite as horrifying to the people around them as it was to them.

All they wanted was a small wrist tattoo and things seemed to be going great. At first, the tattoo hurt way less than they expected. That was until they reached an area with a lot of scar tissue. Then, their pain tolerance didn’t seem quite so high.
Do Your Research
If you’re going to get a tattoo, you should do your research. It’s a permanent decision, so making sure it’s correct and done at a professional shop are great starting points.

If you’re getting any words tattooed on your body, you should also make sure that you’ve spelled them right, no matter how confident you are. After all, we can all make mistakes. This person proved it when they spelled their own last name wrong for the tattoo artist in a horrible first tattoo.
True Colors Showing
There are some people who try to act tough but you never quite get to see any proof of that. Sitting them in a tattoo parlor can help with that.

This person said their brother’s friend was known for trying to seem tough. When he went for his first tattoo, on the other hand, it was clear that his pain tolerance and stoicism weren’t quite as high as he’d been saying.
Be Honest With Your Artist
Before you get a tattoo, you usually have to fill out a form. One piece of this is listing any medication you’re on. This is important information for the artist.

This person was a bit nervous before her appointment and took something for her nerves. The only problem was that she did that with a pain medication that can cause you to bleed more. As a result, she bled more than normal, significantly increasing her anxiety in turn.
Learning a Lesson the Hard Way
There are some things about getting a tattoo that are important to know. For instance, you can’t really trust the quality of service offered by many amateur artists unaffiliated with a shop.

As for this person, they got more than they bargained for with their first tattoo from their brother. The only problem was that their brother wasn’t exactly a licensed artist. We’d have to say that they aren’t the one who was performing poorly in this situation.
Oh, That’s Not Right
Ensuring a tattoo is going to look great is only part of the process. Once you have the tattoo inked in, you have to make sure you keep it clean so that it heals properly.

This person didn’t have much trouble sitting for their first tattoo. The only problem was that once they took a break, their hands were shaking so badly that they spilled their drink all over their fresh tattoo. We’re sure it’s something that a friend would never let you forget!
Don’t Touch the Artist!
We’ve said it before but we’ll say it again — don’t touch the artist while they’re working. Not only is it rude but it can end dangerously too.

Unfortunately, that’s a lesson this mom learned the hard way, even though she wasn’t the one getting a tattoo. While their child was getting a tattoo, they thought it’d be a good idea to wrench the artist’s hand away during the session. Ultimately, it wasn’t.
Stay Still!
Getting a tattoo can hurt quite a bit! However, if you want it to turn out the way that you’re hoping, you’ll want to make sure you stay still.

If you jerk around a lot while you’re getting a tattoo, it makes it nearly impossible for the artist to do their job. As this person learned firsthand, jerking around won’t work well. Even worse, kicking the artist definitely won’t help at all.
Has to Stop
Perseverance can mean a lot. After all, not everything comes easy and you won’t get any better by giving up and never trying again.

When this person went to get their first tattoo, they wouldn’t even let the artist finish and a few skewed lines remain as a consequence of their frequent movement. The second time didn’t go much better. Still, they aren’t afraid to try again. We wonder if they’ll try for that third round one day!
Just Eat First
There are certain things you should do to prepare for your session at the tattoo shop you’ve chosen. One step to never forget is to grab a bite to eat before you go.

This goes even if you’re nervous or not hungry! If you skip it, you risk passing out rather than leaving the shop with the tattoo you’ve been dreaming about. That’s what this person learned the hard way but just couldn’t handle the fact that the incident was caused by their own mistake.
Go Big or Go Home
As we’ve said, many artists and people with tattoos suggest an easier, smaller piece for your first tattoo. This way, you can get a taste for the process before jumping right into the deep end.

This client was determined to start with a full sleeve, though. Well, until the artist told him it’d be a pretty bad idea. They were right too because apparently, the process was much more painful than the client expected — he only lasted five minutes before throwing up.
Right in the Mirror?
It’s hard to picture a tattoo design on yourself sometimes. Look at a stencil in the mirror so that you can see what it looks like on you before getting it inked in.

Still, don’t forget that mirrors offer reflections. In other words, what you see is flipped from what you’ll get. That can lead to some fairly monumental mistakes, like this person who got a mirror image of the school logo they wanted.
First-Time Jitters
There are times that artists hang on to a good tattoo virgin story just to help ease new clients in. It can help to understand that other people are nervous the first time too.

Usually, if someone is going to pass out while getting a tattoo, it’s during the process of getting it. Yet, this person hadn’t even moved beyond the phase of the stencil when they crumpled to the floor. We guess your first tattoo is a momentous occasion!
Not Very Impressive
If you went through boot camp, you might think that a tattoo is no trouble at all. As this person learned, that’s not always the case.

After they got out of boot camp, they went to the shop to get the back piece they wanted. They found the process a lot more painful than they expected and they were grateful for a break. That was until they stood up only to pass out and fall to the floor.
At Least He Got the Fangs
When you’re getting a large tattoo, it’s a good idea to know your pain tolerance beforehand. If it’s lower, you can adjust to a smaller design or break up your sessions.

When this person’s friend wanted their first tattoo, they thought that they’d jump in and go ahead and cover their bicep. The only problem was that they weren’t quite physically ready for it. At least the artist was nice enough to start with the fangs.
Not an Easy Spot
There are certain spots of your body that are known for being a little harder to tattoo. In the end, some spots are simply more painful than others.

Getting a tattoo on your ribs is definitely one of the most often complained about areas to tattoo. That’s why this artist was so concerned when a new client came in wanted to start with his ribs. He tried to ultimately stick it out but it proved to be just too much in the end.
Mirror, Mirror…
There are certain moments that stick out about someone’s first tattoo experience even if the session itself was easy. This person was surprisingly good at sitting for their first tattoo.

The memorable moment didn’t even happen until the piece was done. Upon looking at the finished product in the mirror, though, he was horrified. That was until the artist paused the panic to remind him that he was looking at a reflection, not a picture.
Of Course Not
Once you pass out a tattoo shop, it’s usually over for the session. At the very least, things pause until you wake up and confirm that you’re okay.

After this person passed out, their friends weren’t too concerned. In fact, they asked if the artist could continue while she was unconscious! It’s even worse that this person became difficult when it was time to pay after the artist dealt with so much.
Unexpected Challenges
This person admits that they were thrilled when it finally came time to get their first tattoo. That didn’t stop their legs from shaking hard throughout the whole process.

They felt bad about it too, constantly apologizing to their artist. The only thing that they said was that it wasn’t their fault and they understood it was an involuntary reaction. We hope that their tattoo still turned out all right in the end!
Couldn’t Take It
There’s a lot to unpack in this story. For one, we have to wonder why this person would get the name of an ex, not a current partner, tattooed on them.

Even worse, the pain was more than they could handle and they had to eventually call it a day on the session. At the end of the whole ordeal, she didn’t even get the whole name. She ended up leaving with just an outline of the name in its place.
Quite a Description
There are some things that happen in a shop that tattoo artists expect. For instance, maybe someone groans in pain or lets a swear word slip now and again.

However, there are some descriptions that still stand out. While we’re sure this couldn’t have been as bad as this person thinks it was, the description they gave is a striking one. Saying you sounded like a baby pig is a lot to imagine.
Time to Prove It
Everyone reacts differently when they’re nervous. The more nervous you are, the more intense your behavior may seem.

This person was feeling particularly nervous as they waited for their turn at the local shop. Even though it was a small tattoo, they were still afraid it would hurt. It turned out, he was so nervous because the person with him was his date, calling his bluff on his “impulsive” and daring tendencies.
Needs a Break
When you’re getting your first tattoo, it probably doesn’t help to hear screaming from inside the shop. It’s the sort of thing that would freak you out.

All the client was getting was a poop emoji but it was far too painful for their taste. They spent most of the time screaming right in the artist’s ear. Try not to forget, while this is a hard moment for you, the artist doing your tattoo is a person too.
Extreme Reactions
Once you work as a tattoo artist for a while, it’s easier to see when trouble’s coming. After all, you learn more with experience.

As for this artist, they were sure they know when their new client was about to pass out. What they probably weren’t expecting was everything that came after it. After a call to 911, the client ended up being fine but the same couldn’t be said for the chair he was tattooed in.
Spooked by the Machine
There’s a lot that could stress you out about a tattoo, not just the pain. Not to mention, being tense can make things feel more unsettling anyways.

It wasn’t the tattoo process itself that made this tattoo virgin memorable. Instead, it was her full scream at the sound of the gun alone. Even more memorable was the fact that she did it again the second time after talking about it and hearing it again.
You Have to Stay Still
Getting a tattoo is a process that requires you to stay still. We’ve already seen that doing otherwise can lead to some dire consequences.

This artist shared the story of not only a new but young client who came in with his father. He was after a tattoo that looked creepy and the artist was all ready to with the tattoo. Things just got a little harder when the client started jerking wildly.
Some Places Are Harder
As we’ve seen, not every place that you get tattooed will be the same. If you don’t want to struggle too much, correct selection is key!

On the other hand, why not just go big for your first tattoo? Maybe for the sake of your artist and the people around you — as well as making sure you know what you’re getting into when you sit down to get a tattoo. This person was happy to suffer through, not caring if the screaming bothered anyone else.
Outside Factors
Time as a tattoo apprentice can be wild. It’s your first look at the day-to-day life of a tattoo artist and all of the clients they deal with on a regular basis.

During their apprenticeship, this person saw a client they would never forget. The client themselves weren’t awful but they did experience something awful during their session. Mid-session, they received a slew of texts informing them they’d been ousted from their friend group.
Maybe They Won’t Match
Getting matching tattoos is a great way to commemorate a friendship. These siblings wanted matching tattoos to reflect their bond and they were determined to get it done.

Well, they planned to do that, at least. Instead, one sister ended up with so much anxiety over getting the tattoo that they backed out at the last minute. The other sibling wasn’t going to just let the appointment go to waste and got a tattoo of her own.
Causing a Scene
There are some things that tattoo artists just refuse to do. For instance, a teenager with no tattoos wanting to start with a neckpiece.

The artist wasn’t about to follow through with that and kicked her out. It seemed to be the end of it until her angry mother showed up. As it turned out, the girl had gone ahead and gotten the tattoo from someone else. She just blamed this artist when her mom asked.
Make Up Your Mind
Usually, when you go to get a tattoo, you have an idea of what you want. It might take some refining with an artist but usually, you have an idea in mind.

That’s not what happened with this client. They were happy to book a consultation and ask for one thing. This was only the start of a longer cycle, though. They’d go on to change this idea over and over again. In the end, they never got any of the tattoos they’d worked on ideas for.